
Current Russian/American attitudes?

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If the boot were on the other foot and Russia offered a hostile neighbor of the USA to completely re-equip their armed forces,offered ally status,and based Russian technicians and missiles within a few miles of the American border how should the American react to this? (This is the deal the USA has just signed with Poland)




  1. mmm Thats something that we cant guess, we need to wait but hopefully thats not gonna happen  

  2. Two words: Cuban Missile Crisis.

    Edit:  Nobody else answered?  Meh.  Nobody cares when it's all "over there."  I'm just sick of it all.  I dislike the fact that we've become the world's police force when it's convenient for us and we need something from them.  The USA should not be in Iraq now, should not have been there the first time, should not have been in Vietnam, and the more I learn about WW II, the more I see we should not have gotten involved in that either.  There are many other conflicts that occur that never even make American headlines.  When we were in Iraq the first time, the Russians rolled tanks into the Baltics and we didn't do squat.  Africa has had all kinds of ongoing problems.  How about Ireland and Northern Ireland?  We never took sides and got involved there.  I didn't know about Poland, but if that's true, I do view it as aggression on OUR part.

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