
Current event!!! HEHEHEHE

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Does CE need a bit of humour injected at present?




  1. it a small prick or a large prick?

  2. It most definitely needs an injection of Good News and Humor.. which the media could find if they chose to look for it as opposed to anything that will cause more fear in the public who pay attention to it.

    That's why I Do NOT watch the news on television and choose to only scan headlines via the internet. If it's negative I don't wanna hear about it cause the media puts their spin of negativity and fear based BS into everything they report on - they say it sells more - well I personally don't think so but like "they" say you can't fight city hall! Maybe if more folks would join me, the corporate backed media mongrels would figure it out and change what they report on and how they view it...

    Anyway, in answer to your question... YES YES YES YES... Please! if you have a good story to laugh at let's hear it... I'm In.  :-)

  3. all humour gets reported, but the funny thing

    is, i couldn't give a ****.

  4. yes please :)

  5. Yes, it's not been as good as I remember it used to be.

  6. Im reporting Judge Snizz shes been cranky

    when you said he He he i thought i would see lots of men so i can running ...bummer

  7. no dont be silly arwen, its supposed to be sad and dreary, ill have no choice but to report if you start telling jokes... there is another section reserved for jokes and laughter i believe

  8. It needs an injection of something! Not sure what exactly Arwen, lol.

  9. Definetly, cause I'm at a loss as to what's going on

  10. Yes...i could do with a giggle...give us a joke please...

  11. What have you got Arwen lol

  12. humor will not stop the bombs

  13. not really, but it sure does need some peace and lovin ! x

  14. Maybe, if I knew what you're on about.

  15. I'm reporting Scotch Mist..

    ok done...

    well that wasn't nearly as funny as I hoped it would be!!!

  16. No need. I have just PMSL!

    Plato is a fecking TC!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!

    Well done Plato lol :))

  17. Yeah--the news is boring!

  18. Go on then!

    Inject away!

  19. Do you mean Church of England, if so, it sure does.they could start with wearing clown costumes.  

  20. Defo - I really do want to stay this time ;)

  21. Feel free to inject me, I'll get myself cannulated, make it easier to re-administer :D

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