
Current events question regarding the McCanns

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Why do some of you hate the McCanns so much and not Karen Matthews?

There's a lot of b*tching against the McCanns (rightly or wrongly) but:

1. what Karen did was deliberate,

2. she has 7 kids by 6 fathers,

3. she only cares for 3 of her kids (including Shannon) and

4. she lived with a man who downloads grade 4 5 p**n, which is apparently really bad child p**n.

So why does no-one on Yahoo hate Karen Matthews??




  1. She is not in the news at the moment because she is in jail.

    Just wait untill her trial comes up and then all h**l will be directed at her, and then the usual will leave the hate for the McCanns behind them for a few days, it as been that kind of way for a long time.

  2. she is hated,but her child is now safe where as maddy is still missing so all the attention is focused on them

  3. Because Karen Matthews is not digging up pointless story after pointless story in an attempt to create a giant smoke screen and detract attention from her guilty secret!

  4. Karen Matthews admitted what she done.Will the McCanns ever admit neglect?

    I think not.

    They would have a lot more respect and sympathy from a lot more people,if they were honest about it all.

  5. there is constant reference by some haters that the mccanns are doctors, have a big house and earn a good income..  also its been mentioned a few hundred times that if kate was a single mum living in a council house on benefits it would be a different story. so it seems to me that there is some sort of jealousy here.

    another statement from the antis regarding neglect accusations is "i would never leave my children alone" and " i never take my eyes off my children". this seems to be an effort to prove superiority over doctors.

  6. There was a lot of criticism about her at the time, the case has just died a death ~ I'm sure it'll resurrect itself when the case goes to court, which is November I think(?)

    You'll see.

    It's just the McCanns are back  "in vogue" with the recent release of the 30,000 page document, there's a lot to go at.

  7. Because ultimately, Karen Matthews and her peodo boyfriend got caught and are banged up...

    The McCann's left their children alone and aren't being punished for it. Forget the "did they/didn't they" part of Maddie's disppearance, they neglected three children while they went on the lash! That's the difference...

  8. Karen Matthews' daughter is still alive and Karen Matthews herself is locked up and quite rightly so.Kate and Gerry McCann on the other hand have been living the life of Reilly while their daughter is possibly dead as a direct result of thier deliberate and sustained negligence.OK I accept that people make mistakes but when they continue to make the same mistakes night after night,even after thier tiny daughter asked "where were you last night mummy when we were crying" and still they abandoned her and left her and her siblngs unprotected.surely at that stage it becomes a deliberate and calculated act of neglegence.

  9. ah, but you see, karen matthews is skint, so the haters dont envy her

  10. As above posters have pointed out, it's only because Karen Matthews is out of the news at the moment.

    I don't hate the McCanns as such however I do think they need to accept some of the blame.  My son is nearly 17 but there's no way in h**l I'd have left him on his own at 3yrs old.  I live in a block of flats in a gated development, and when he was 7 I'd panic about being at a neighbours house across the enclosed courtyard for 5 minutes even though I could see into my house from there.  You just don't do it.  And I think that it's wrong that they haven't been prosecuted for child neglect.

  11. The McCanns have made themselves a lot more public, which naturally brings more hatred. They're also upper-middle class so are likely to be hated anyway. The McCanns story seems to have a lot hidden as well, so there's a nice little mystery to be solved there.

  12. I think, personally, maybe there never WAS a madeleine mc cann and they just needed something to push their system of child (and other) detection through.

    I can see it already:

    "There's no madeleine. There ne'er wos."

  13. The McCanns case is more high profile i guess ,I'm not saying that's right but it seems to be the case in the UK anyway. It's on the news everyday so it's bound to get more people talking about it :)

  14. no one says she's not, but at least Shannon is now safe.

  15. Karen Mathews is in a different league But that still does not excuse the Mccanns of child neglect. I do not hate the McCanns but they neglected thier childeren & should be charged. It appears to me that they do not take any responsibility for what happened.

  16. because karen matthews is in prison and kate mccann isn't

    enough said

  17. Because she has not been smeared or demonised by the press. Humans don't have much of a sense of priority when it comes thinking about humanity on a larger scale, it's just a case of what ever news at the time will shock and sell. We as a species are becoming more and more immoral. We even have target markets now when it comes to music. The Pete watermans of this world started it when they started to target the dreams andaspirations of youngsters with clever lyrics and good looking girl and boy bands. They are called soul sellers and do humanity a great injustice.

  18. Nicely put lh!

  19. Why do people assume that because someone doubts the McCanns version of events that they automatically 'hate' them?

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