
Current trends in benefits?

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I am researching current trends in business, most particularly domestic partner benefits. This is for a University assignent.Can anyone give me more info-

Does your company offer domestic partner benefits?

If so, why did you choose to do this? Or, why did your company choose to do this?

What percentage of employees actually take advantage of these benefits?

Or, can you find a website that is elatively unbiased to give me current trend stats??




  1. Government wise, you could ask the JobCentre Plus to provide you with anonymous information about it, if they say no, request it under the Freedom Of Information Act, it's unlikely you'll get much luck, but you might get somewhere.

  2. In AIG Australia, we have a product called Income Protection, which protects 75% of the life insured's annual income. In the event of disablement, the insurer will provide a monthly income for the life insured till the benefit period ends. This plan have additional features as well.

    It also protects the life insured's spouse, in the event of disability. If the spouse is unable to perform home duties (household chores), the insurer will provide a monthly income for the family to cover some home expenses (eg fees to hire a mail) till the benefit period ends.

    This is an additional feature which requires additional premiums to their Income Protection plan. It is not built in.

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