
Currently and evently, what wrecks your head?

by  |  earlier

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I'm so bored.




  1. Daily life...

  2. Why you aren't with Bee.

  3. The possible election of Obama.

  4. Mixing my drinks.

  5. Currently, BB9 is wrecking my head because I don't think there's anyone in the house who deserves to win

    I wanted Lisa to win :(

  6. Hiya Steph. I'm so so bored too. I thought you lot must've gone somewhere else. I've just switched off and watched the end of batman forever. I'm that bored! I had to come back tho.

    PMSL oh Steph, you've just cheered me up.

    I'm so bored I nearly went t't foot of our stairs!

  7. Borrrrrrrrrrrrrredom!! So I changed my phone number. That occupied me for a while, now I'm bored again.

  8. Tequila ......


    This does.

  10. Not being considered "sexually virile"


    Bloody nerve.

  11. when a spacehopper asks a stuppid question:)

  12. I abdicated being a parent for a day!!!!

    My kids are killing me!!!

    If I have to talk to my son one more day I'm bringing back childabuse LOL

    I don't know why this is funny.. I was being serious!!!

  13. The fact that all the smurfs might be dead,sob,weep,cry.

  14. This wrecks my head:

  15. my mother.. shes making me so upset lately, i just cried for about 2 or 3 hours. ugh headache anyone? hahaaaaa

  16. Have  a drink. lol,  I'm getting confused as the questions are popping up too fast especially while i'm on msn too....

    lol.... take ur time...

    ta x

  17. currently what's wrecking my head is the desire to eat chocolate and the lack of willpower to stop me.

  18. People being miserable . And hating others having fun

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