
Currently in a raise freeze from the owner. How can I get my raise?

by Guest45037  |  earlier

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I work at a hotel and upon being hired, I was promised a 90-day raise.

That was last March. I still haven't gotten it.

The owner of the hotel says that he put a freeze on the raises because we were renovating the rooms.

But now renovating is pretty much over. (And only lasted a couple of months) and he still has not said anything about lifting the freeze.

Some of my co-workers have been here a lot longer than I have and they still haven't gotten their 90-day raise.

What can I do/say to have him lift the freeze and give his employees the raises that they deserve?




  1. It really depends on the circumstances.

    The average employee does not realize that sometimes an owner just can not afford to give a raise and it is better to have a job with out a raise than no job at all.

    I would suggest you bring it up to him in a very nice way and see if you think he is sincere and if not then you should definately look elsewhere.

    However, the hotel industry is hurting right now and if your plan is to go to another hotel then make sure you have it before you give notice.

    Also make sure you give notice because the world of this industry is very small and you never know when it might come back to haunt you.

    Good luck

  2. Dude..This guy is taking advantage of you.  There is no such thing as a raise freeze.  This is only created in the minds of business owners.  There is such thing as get the highest possible pay in your field, but that's it.  If it was promised, then it should be there.  The only reason why he said that there was a raise freeze is because he doesnt want to give you a raise.  There is no lifting this freeze because "THE BUSINESS OWNER DOESNT WANT TO LIFT IT."  All he had to say was, "Well, because of our situation, there will be a raise freeze.  So, you are allowed to stay with the same pay, or you can leave right now without having to give a 2 weeks notice."  This way, he is not exploiting you.  But, he chose to cheat you.  Complain.  You can  easily say that you dont want to work anymore because you "feel" that he didnt keep his promise.  And ask him if he is going to give you the raise that he promised.  Say that you're not mad, but you have to go if he cannot give you a raise.  Thats all.  Worse comes to worse, you leave.  Right?  Dont be scared.  To be honest, alot of employers are more afraid of the workers then the workers are afraid of the employer.

  3. If you were promised a raise last March and still haven't gotten it, start looking for a new job with a more honest owner.  When you give notice and he asks why, tell him you're leaving because you've been waiting for a raise for so long.

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