Question: the world holding YOU back?

by  |  earlier

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italia, loveee, im okayy. SUPER tired.

get on messenger?


how are you??




  1. Hmmmmmmmm IDK I Believe So ...

    How's It Goin Sarahh ?

  2. Yes,only if they would give me a winning lottery ticket ide be great

  3. no only i can do that

  4. Currently?  *lol*

    The better question for me would be, "When is the world NOT holding me back?"

    Really.  In most ways I haven't had it easy since I was six or seven.

    It's getting on my nerves...I'm only like in my 40s lately.

    But yeah, the world, reality, the universe, just doesn't want to get along with me for some reason.  And I get tired of blaming myself.  After a while that just gets self-destructive, you know?

    But what else is new?  ^_^

  5. Only ducking Catholic school.

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