
Currently is this the trouble we're having?

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  1. how about this old saying Plato, I think it's important and speaks volumes about the truth.

    I feel so deeply about this quote, that I will not disrespect it, by trying to type this myself because as u know i'm brutal at typing and I won't be winning any trophies for my spelling either. So I had to concede to the fact that the fairer s*x are a lot more intelligent than us men, so i'm dictating and my lovely lady is typing.  

    we build houses, ye build homes, we make babies and ye rear them.

    Now for the quote: "I am not what I think I am, I am not what you think I am, I am what I think, you think, I am."

    For me it's always a pleasure to share your company online!

    What do you think of that quote?

    Edit: I know it will confuse the

    Loved the song BTW

  2. im too lazy to watch it

  3. I haven't been on here for the past few weeks, but reading previous questions the same c**p that happened last year has started again (albeit in a different format) - drawn from boredom probably.

    Alice is great - one of the best performers ever, and the beauty is - he never pretended to be otherwise - and that song sums things up beautifully.

    Along with Shady I have a favourite quote of my own.

    'Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.

    Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.

    Just walk beside me, and be my friend.'

    (Albert Camus)


    Edit: Seems like you, Shady and a few others are still getting targeted - why ? methinks they are afeared of your individuality - and don't like it - for shame on them.

    (ps - that's why I left for a while, but goddam, I'm back now, will you walk beside me ?)

  4. clowns r guud thangs.

  5. Capital! Mr. Alice is right brilliant! As long as we allow the left to control education, yes, we'll all be "unique," "individual," clones.

    I have such a hard time with people of my generation thinking they are special, unique, and individuals when they just fall into line, they are unique just like every other clone sent out of our lovely public schools.

    Thank you for sharing senior Alice with me, it has been far too long since I listened to him.

  6. but clones are easy to block and ignore,

    it's when the rattle snakes appear i all

    kicks off,lol

  7. eventually we all look the same,

    except Bowie, he has always tried to be different

  8. I've had to put a helmet on!

  9. Yes > its happening everywhere

  10. Well there's more trouble in CE than just cloning ;)....

  11. i will check it out when your sleeping ....still at work

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