
Currently pregnant with no health insurance in PA. ?

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Me and my husband would like to apply for Medicaid but we currently live with his parents. (who will not be financially supportive) Do I need to include them in the Medicaid application? If I do put their income etc. I'm worried that we will not qualify. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!




  1. I have met this sort of situation before,here is the resource I found helpful.http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

  2. You will have to put them on the application, medicare asks for everyone in the house holds income.

    Just tell your case worker that they don't provide for you, they just let you stay there with them.

    DO NOT lie on your application, the people telling you this don't know what they are talking about. If you lie and they find out, you will end up in a bad situation either going to jail or owing them a lot of money.

  3. don't put them on the application for it. the application here GA only asks the income of your family in your household. that would be you your husband and any other children. just because they are in your house dosen't include them in the house hold because they aren't taking care of you.  

  4. No jus say that you are living with a friend. And you help them pay half of the rent. They dont dig any farther than that!

  5. Dont tell them.  With my first I lived at home and I never put my parents income on application.  If you and your husband support yourselves, dont worry about it.  

  6. As far as I know the only income that matters is yours and your husbands.  

    There is a wonderful program in Ohio called Healthy Start for low income families.  I don't know if it's available in PA or not but you should look into it There is a lot of paperwork to fill out for both medicaid and Healthy Start but it's worth it.

    Generally when you fill out the application there will be a case worker who can help you fill out the questionnaire properly. Make sure that you bring your social security cards, picture id's, birth certificates etc.

    Good luck!  

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