
Curriculum planning for infants and toddlers is primarily connected to?

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a. emerging motor skills

b. talking and building vocabulary

c. daily experiences

d. simple educational toys




  1. a & b

  2. A

  3. You have to focus on all of those aspects. And it really depends on the age your planning for, infant to toddler years there is a HUGE gap in mobility, understanding and communication.

    If your leaning more towards an infant curriculum you would focus a lot of yoru attention on their emerging mobility and those skills, while doing this you are building on their vocab by using simple educational toys. Ex. "Can Caleb crawl to the green ball?!" the ball would be just out of arms reach forcing the child to move to the ball the way it is worded also teaches color and gives a name to everyday objects and people (self awarness by using the childs name and labelling the ball for what it is)

    If your focus is mostly on toddlers, they are long past crawling, and the above objective would be far to simple for them so you can modify this to " Caleb can you kick the ball with your left foot?!" This is giving the child gross motor skill, balance and coordination aswell as teaching the child left from right and names of body parts.

    The wording in both situtions places the child in a mode of 'Can I do this?' instead of 'You will do this!' if phrased as Caleb kick the ball with your left foot or Caleb crawl to the green ball. This will set a child up for disappointment if they fail at what you told them to do.

  4. all of the above. you have to consider all those skills in order to have an infant curriculum. i use a preschool curriculum but put in on a lower level that twos can understand.

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