What style of curtains work best in your little one's room? We recently moved from an apartment with high wide(60 inch wide pain in my butt) windows that were high enough off the ground that she couldn't reach the curtains I had. However, we're going to be making the change to a big girl bed in the next few months sometime, and her toddler bed will be right next to the window in her room, which is taller and will be even with the mattress on the bed. My daughter loves to look out the windows at the neighborhood kids playing in the backyard, so I know she'll be messing with it. There is a mini blind in the window, with the cord cut off, but she just lifts it out of her way when she's watching. She's also one of those kids that wakes up really early if it gets light in her room, but if I have the window covered she will sleep until 9-10 am. What kind of curtain would lock out light but allow air flow? I plan on making these curtains myself. Thanks for suggestions :)