
Cussing and Profanity In School?

by Guest57183  |  earlier

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Ok, this is my first year in the Public School system. I hear tons of cussing there. Now I'm not the type who freaks out when I hear it, I just normally ignore it. But my new school... it is REALLY bad. Pretty much everyone does it. And it's about every sentence too. "She's such a MF B, GD it! F her, Holy S!". I know that sounds extreme, but it is really like that. I can't walk down the hall and hear one conversation without hearing cussing except a few. It's even bad in the classrooms too and the teacher don't really do anything about it.

So my question is, what do you think about cussing in the extreme? Do you think it's normal? If you are in HS, is it that bad where you go? Should their be rules against it within the school?

Just want to know what you guys thought.






  1. Its actually normal, i cuss all the time like saying holy **** n stuff, if students cuss in classrooms at my school the teach will yell @ them

  2. to me its not that bad but then again i grew up in Paterson where they curse all the time. so I'm used to it

    my school you would hear it a lot and all i do is ignore it...

    only time that it annoys me is when someone does for no reason or just to looks cool.  

  3. It's not that big of a deal.. everyone swears. It's that bad wherever you go, it's just the way we teenagers talk. So if you have a problem with it, ignore it.  

  4. to me its not bad, most teenagers like to cuss to go against the norm.

    there should be a rule againts profanity at your school every school i know has one, its just hard to enforce

    cussing is ok sometiems and unecessary at other times. i cuss more than usual but i can refrain myself.

    if you're uncomfortable wih it i bet there are some people at your school who think the same way as well

  5. I find it very distasteful as well.  I hate hearing it.  I haven't figured out a good way to make it stop.  Giving the person a dirty look makes them mad, asking them to stop makes them laugh at me . . .

    And most schools don't allow profanity, but it's hard to enforce outside the classroom.  You could always ask to meet with the Principal, maybe with one of your parents after school, in private, and share your concern.  If the principal is aware that there are students that don't like all the cursing, maybe he'll do something about it.  My high school had "campus cops", just aids hired to walk the halls and make sure kids stayed out of trouble.  They could issue detention slips for extreme profanity, being disrespectful, or breaking any of the school rules.  That's one idea.

  6. when i started middle school i didn't know 1 cuse word except for one time in elem scool i heard a classmate cussed at our teach and by the end of the year i new a bunch of new bad words so mi just get used to it and i go 2 a secondary school (middle + high)

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