
Cussing at school????

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I just moved to a new school and fiund my peers cussing. Not at ME but like under their breath. I've heard:




That's the list i've made out of 4 days.

its the 6th grade.

What shud i do? I dont wanna be the new kid that tells on ppl..





  1. Honestly, it's not something that can be stopped. Kids are going to curse. It's part of them trying to force what they think maturity is upon themselves. It's stupid, I know, but it's what they do and you'll hear it all through high school.

    All you can do is ask your peers not to curse around you.

  2. i don't think you can do much. just ignore them

  3. If you tell on people for cursing, people will think you're a tattle-tale and a baby.

    Just don't hang around those people.

    ALOT of people curse now. You can't tell on them all and they probably won't even get punished.

  4. your always going to hear cussing at school.

    you don't have to be a snitch, most of the teachers probably know anyway.

  5. LOL under their breath? omg this reminds me of what a teacher told me in 6th grade.

    We needed to get this paper signed to get permission to read books with adult content- including cuss words, and my teacher said that it was a little weird to her, because if u walk down the hallway at my school- u will hear things so much worse and more graphic than in any book in that library LOL

    and maybe thats just sme schools that are ghetto LOL- like mine, but yea

    i mean i dont think anythings wrong with them saying that, i mean especially if its under their breath! everyone gets mad sometimes u know? so i dont see a reason to tell the teacher or anything. And if these ppl are cussing AT the teacher LOL they will get in trouble LOL

    and trust me, those are just little tiny bad words man, i swear dude walk through my school hallway LOL, youll hear those words like 10times, plus a bunch of other words LOL, and thats probably in like what 5 minutes? LOL

    dont sweat it, and if theyre swearing in class theyre gona get in trouble anywayz they dont need ur help


    hope this help

    have fun in 6th grade!! i kno i did

  6. And? So what if people cuss at school? Ignore them. Do you want to be a tattletale baby? There is cussing everywhere, but when I got in the 6th grade, i was new to all the cussing too, but I didn't wanna take it to the level that i tell someone lol. Just ignore them.

  7. Get over it, everybody cusses.

  8. The truth is that you really cant do anything about it.,..

    All your life you are going to be hearing people cuss. It may be wrong but that is their choice. You just leave them be, telling on them probably isn't a good idea. Just learn to ignore it and you will be fine

  9. ahahahahahahahah omfg you think thats bad!?

    your one sheltered kid.

    i said worse then that in grade 4 kiddo.

    come to my school for a day. youd have a heart attrack. ive been cussed out by grade 2s. you should hear what me and my friends say to eachother as a joke, not to mention what we say when were pissed off.

    wtf dont tell. why would you do that? its only gonna get worse. so DEALZ.


  10. You'll just have to ignore it.

    They've obviously got stuff going on like absence of parents in their life, but w/e, they know how cussing portrays them

  11. You are just more young minded and I mean no disrespect with that. You are just still at that stage where you view cussing as what your parents tell you it is, bad.

    Kids cuss, thats never going to change.

    In high school you even have teachers who cuss. My english teacher and I were searching for a book in a storage room and he kept knocking some books off the shelf and after the 3rd time he said "son of a bytch" I wasn't offended by hearing it, in fact I burst out laughing.

    I don't view cussing as a big deal. Its just words, yes some meanings are "mean" but people are going to be mean to each other.

    You shouldn't do anything. When its stuff like cussing and you tell thats called tattling and my teachers told us to stop doing that in 3rd grade, so don't be a tattle tale, this is the year you grow up a little and accpet that others cuss and you have a choice not to.

    Tell on the important things like if you see weapons, drugs, alcohol, stuff like that.

    Cussing is not a reason to tell on people and I guarantee it won't make you any friends.  

  12. You can't really do anything about it and it will probably get even worse in high school.  Just stay away from those people.

  13. just ingore them..... there rude. that's pretty much all your hear now that your in middle school. if you dont want to say it, don't. just because everyone else is doesnt mean you have to.  

  14. I started swearing like that in fifth grade.

    But eventually, around seventh grade, I grew out of it.  I mean, I still swear but I've reduced it from 30 times a day to 2 times a day.

  15. just let them cuss. you think its bad now? wait til you get to 8th grade.
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