
Cussing in front of husband will never stop........?

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Whenever he gets mad, "What the F did you do that for?", "Stop your F'ing crying". My son has behavior problems at school that includes cussing (shocking, I know), I've told him over and over again that I don't want my kids talked to like that or even talked around like that. He's just too much of a baby to control his temper. He doesn't talk nice to any of us, and is teaching my kids to be disrespectful. What would you do?




  1. Me too i realized that...but i dont think i got disrespectful....

    I was like 3 when my mom and dad always fight....

    There's this one day wen we're going to school...

    it's only the 3 of us (mom dad me)...were still in the

    house when they fight.......i cried and cried!!!

    luckily my aunt came and save us!

  2. ahhh, it will make them tough for the cruel world thats out there, lol.

  3. Personally..hubby was in the Army, so quite often came home and talked to us like we were his work mates..One night I just let loose and cussed him out, called him every name in the book! He just looked at me amazed and said WTF??!!

    I simply told him "How the f to you like it?" You could see the lightbulb appear over his head! Now all I have to do is say his name when he starts and he storms out...but at least he stops cussing at the kids.

  4. if you can't make your husband stop cussing you can make your children stop.  you are their mother.  put your foot down about it right now or you wont be able to.

  5. My husband cusses in front of our kids too.  I have explained to the kids that those are bad words and that they can't say them outside of our home.  I have explained to my husband that if our daughter gets in trouble for cussing at school, I will ask which word she said, and if it's one that I say, then I'll go talk to the school, but if it's one of about six that he says frequently, he will get to go talk to the school by himself.

    As far as your husband's temper goes, if you've already talked to him about it and he won't or can't change, then you'll have to decide if you'd rather live with him and his temper, or without him.

  6. Say the kids are starting to talk like you and I won't have it I am telling you now at least drop the swearing around them. Just say you are a mature and responsible adult it really shouldn't be that hard.

  7. My Dad had this problem when I was young.  My Mom just told us that we were not allowed to say those words until we were 18, just like you're not allowed to drive til 16 or drink til 21.  It worked pretty well, I think.  If your hubby refuses to even try, just give that one a shot and see how it goes.

  8. You should be confident that your kid is smart enough not to cuss. My parents used to cuss all the time and I turned out okay. I knew that cussing was wrong and choose to be different from my parents. I learned to learn from their mistakes and improve within myself

  9. Try to embarass him in front of someone he looks up to. U'll get his attention and then u tell if he does not stop his bad ways in front of the kids, u'll do this until he learns to be a decent father. I know its extreme but people like this need extreme treatment to come around.

  10. I have the same problem but I don't do it aot

  11. i would seriously talk to him about his behavior and the way he disrespects you and the kids by speaking to them in such a manner, i would really let him know how it is affecting your kids and tell him if he cannot start respecting you and the kids by speaking to you guys with edifying words as oppose to cuss words then you'll be forced to leave him, i mean you won't want your kids(which right now one of them is actually doing it)cussing you or anyone out in public, it's downright disgusting, and very much so disrespectful on your hubby's part to be talking to you like that in front of the kids, he is teaching them how to disrespect you and everyone else, and how to be disrespectful to people, which is really bad, so i would talk to hubby very seriously about it.

    P.S.Remember kids learn from what they hear what parents are saying and doing, so pls talk to him about his habits.

  12. I don't know how long you two have been married, but the whole idea of marriage and children is to guide them positively into adulthood. It sounds to me like he does'nt care and has become a brute. You have to decide if this is the way you want your children raised or not. If he won't change it could lead to brutality.  Get the kids and you out of his life, because it will only get worse..Don't wait until the children are ruined by him. Protect the children at all costs.  Doing nothing is the same as damaging them yourself..c.m.

  13. Sounds just like my husband only he puts a few other choice words in there also.  He cusses in front of our boys too. I have explained to my oldest(my other son is only a year old so he isn't saying them yet) that those are bad words and that he can't say them outside of our home. I have explained to my husband that if our son gets in trouble for cussing at school, I will ask which word he said, and if it's one that I say, then I'll go talk to the school, but if it's one of about six that he says frequently, he will get to go talk to the school by himself.

    As far as your husband's temper goes, my husband has a temper also and I have talked to him about it numerous times but it doesn't seem to do any good, so if you've already talked to him about it and he won't or can't change, then you'll have to decide if you'd rather live with him and his temper, or without him.

    All I can suggest is maybe see if he will talk to a counselor or something and get out in the open what is really bothering him deep down that he thinks he has to use that kind of talk in front of your children.  He may or may not agree and if he won't do it then if I were you I would re-evaluate if its worth staying or not.

    Good luck and God Bless

  14. Withhold you know what till he gets his act together.

  15. Hard to grasp that a marriage could break up over this...however it's not "just words", it's hubby's determination to  be aggressive and scary to his family.  He's abandoning his role of mentoring his little sprouts.

    I'm not very patient with this kind of stuff.  In spite of my love and devotion toward my man, the kids come first so I'd put my offer on the table: one way or the other, the kids aren't going to hear this any more, his choice how that picture looks . . .

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