
Custody: What to expect??

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Ok heres the story: I got pregnant at 15 with twins. And the father from the beginning really had nothing to do with our daughters. My girls are 4 1/2 now (I am 20). First time he met them they were about a year old. Any way he has never been a father to them, and really has seen them average about once a year. As soon as we graduated high school, he moved out of state and he has a good job and going to school. But within the past week I got a email from him about how he wants us out of his life completely. And since then, my dad wants to take him to court to get all of his rights taken away. I have never been to court with him, and I am just wondering what to expect, and if it will be an easy process?? And what others have gone through in a custody case, as will he have to pay child support?? And anything else that will be helpful??





  1. if his rights are taken away then he won't have to pay child support. i'd just take him to court for the child support myself.

  2. You can go to court and file for full custody, from what I know it can lead to court date after court date. And he will pay child support upon his income. They take a certain percent per week, and you have nothing to do with it. The state has guidlines that they follow. I highly suggest you take him to court for child is your childrens right. Good Luck

  3. I had a friend who's babies father didn't want to be a part of their lives and he wanted to sign away his rights. It really depends on what state you live in, because the process may differ. The judge did tell him that even though he wanted to sign away his parental rights, he was still obligated to provide financial support.  

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