
Custody battle over daughter?

by  |  earlier

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me and my bf split up due to me having a affair and we are having a bad relationship as parents and are fighting over who looks after our 3 year old princess not my decision i thought we could sort it out as adults but he is being childish and i am scared stiff i am scared over who will look after her

the things i have done wrong is

move my new bf in 3 months after the split but daughter is ok with this

i have only done this for financial reasons

thing he has done wrong

came and attacked my partner whilst my little girl was present

i am scared what the outcome of the trial will be i am scared i will have my daughter taken from me i am a good mom

please dont criticize me for my affair i have reasons for this

what do you think the outcome will be will i still get to see my daughter




  1. You'll probably get to see her. If he's a good father, you might have joint custody. But I'm pretty sure you'll at least get to spend time with her.

  2. A friend of mine went and cheated on her husband and wind up loosing custody of her son and now she has to pay child support. the first time she told me this story l felt sorry for her because she is a good person. but when l got to know him, l come to like him as well. but the more she talked about it. the more l start to lose my sorry feelings towards her. one day l told her after she talked about going back to get her son back, why in the world would you do that for. You messed up your chance with your husband and your son and now you want to get custody of him. dont do that because that is not fair. you screwed up your relationship with your family and now you want to take away the child. l am not going to judge you, but l will tell you this. If you lose your daughter because of what you did, you can't get mad at anyone but yourself because you did this to yourself. l bet you will think the next time you leap into the arms of another man and to be truthful. l dont feel sorry for you at all. l hope you lose your daughter cause l wouldnt want my child to be around a man you cheated on me with. and lm sure if it was the other way around, you would say the same thing about him. if you lose your daughter. learn from it. dont make the same mistake twice.

  3. He's being immature because you had an affair??  You are doing everything wrong.  What kind of mother allows a new boyfriend to move in with her so quickly?  Just for financial reasons?  hogwash.  

  4. get a lawyer and have your daughters father present and make it clear if there is any more violence that he will have a restraining order put on him no one is going to take your little girl away from you that way if he can not be reasonable there will be supervised visits and yes I am not lecturing you but you must have hurt this guy pretty bad.

  5. I think that if he attacked your boyfriend, and there is record of it, he will not get full custody. He will probably have supervised visits and have to pay child support.

  6. in most cases, the mother always win over custody for their kids. but anything can happen. i dont know what the out come will turn out to be. but if you really want your daughter, you should probably provide proofs that you are stable and can take care of your daughter financially. but mostly who ever file custody usually get the kids.. but i dunno.. you'll get to see your daughter. im pretty sure that it will be a joint custody, which mean you and the daddy get equal amounts of your daughter.  

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