
Custody over my baby Questions???

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Hi im a single mum and i have an 8 month old little boy. My sons father hasn't really bothered with my son since he was born. He has brought him a few thngs but i think that he has only done this to clear his conscience.

Will someone enlighten me on the whole custody process?

If I go to see a solicitor and my ex agrees that he doesn't want custody but want visitation rights what will happen? will it need to go to court?

Any advise will be really appriciated.





  1. Custody is no longer known as custody. It is now known as a Residency Order. This is what you would apply for, you would then go about setting up what visitations rites the father would have. Me and my partner are going through something similar at the moment as we want his little girl to come and live with us permanently. Unfortunately for us the courts usually favour the mother but for you this is great news. We have been using a site called Parents Centre there is loads of information available on there as well as parents that are in a similar situation to yours. As far as I know any orders that are applied for go through the courts but if your ex is not disputing it you may not be required to show at court and it should be pretty cut and dry.  

  2. As far as I know, if both you and your ex partner can sort it out without dispute, the solicitor should be able to sort it all out for you.

  3. You should establish custody right away. The one thing is that the father does have rights. This is a good and bad thing unfortunately. You want the father to help support the baby to give him the best life possible. If he wants to see his child and he is not abusive or insane, etc., who are you to interfere with that relationship really. What if someone told you that you couldn't see your father anymore. A child has a different perspective on these things than the arguements of adults. I think my ex is useless but my daughter idolizes him. I would never let her know otherwise.

  4. he can't have both.  he either wants to see his son or he doesn't.  If he does try and take it to court you have the upper hand because he has had almost nothing to do with your son since hes been born.  I wouldn't worry to much.  good luck to you.  

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