Ok, My mom recently passed away and now my younger brothers dad wants custody. The thing is that he has been living with my grandparents for over 5 years bc my mom wasn't mentally well enough to take him. He could have at any time tried to get custody of him but instead has only seen him for about 1 1/2 months every other year since he was 9. He is now 15. Now that my mom has passed and he wouldnt have to pay child support and would get money from the government instead, he has all of a sudden become very interested in his son? So what are his chances of winning? My brother doesnt know him, his other brothers, grandparents, nothing. and they live on the other side of the country. (we are in SC they are in UT) So he would basically be going to a family he doesnt even know and having basically no contact with anything familiar to him. I just want to know really what are the chances that we could win?