
Custom Bass Box Build?

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Is it ok to use s***w instead of nails to build a bass box. Every time i have seen then bring made on like youtube they always use nails is there a reason for this?




  1. Plain and simple answers for questions, yes it is ok to use screws insted of nails. If you are second guessing the idea of nails then don't use them. Say you did use nails and later on your box started to come apart you will have to either, a)have an ugly repair or, b)make it again, both equal lost time & money and a would of: should of: could of: type dissapiontment. just make sure you drill pilot holes to suit the thread size to avoid splitting, and remember to use glue or better still "max bond" dont be shy to put a little in each hole. counter sunk type screws or button head type screws will be fine pending on external covering of box; i used button head screws for my twin box because it was carpeted after can't even tell their there. Ultimatly its all about "your" chioce of products, remember its your box to be proud of luck hope you enjoy your own hand made box soon

  2. ALWAYS use nails WITH wood glue/sealant, that will be better than screws, when you make a box the best type of wood to use is MDF plywood and most of the time when you s***w into it it splits and splinters, and bass vibrations can "unscrew" a s***w

  3. The best in my opinion are coarse thread drywall screws. I've seen people use nails with varying results. I generally don't recommend it though. Nails have a way of working themselves loose. Ever had a squeaky floor board? It was nailed down. I would take the time to drill pilot holes and use screws.

  4. there is chance to use the nails with good wood-glue. The nails here are only for construction purposes, to keep the box assembled till the glue dries. After that, the glue is stronger than nails and nails are kept inside the wood because no reason to take them out. easy...
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