
Customer accuses me of cheating her.?

by Guest64488  |  earlier

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an elderly customer i served came back after 15 mins. claiming she had given me a £20 note and not a £ was without any doubt a £10. the tills were checked and not over. She had just collected her pension and my associate checked all her shopping receipts and the money in her purse and it was correct.still the customer would not accept this.she went above our heads and another manager from a different store gave her back £20 plus an apology and a bunch of flowers.I am furious because it makes me look guilty and have been told to let it drop because the customer is always right. I have refused to serve this customer when she next comes in . How should i deal with this i am so mad.




  1. I can understand you being very angry i would be, but this lady is elderly and it is possible that she may have memory problems, the next time she comes in whatever she gives you just verify it with a colleague what monies she gives you.  

  2. Just do your job as normal, your till wasn't down your in the clear, shes just a doddery old cow not long for this world, let her go out with her little victory she more than likely gives worse to others.

  3. Who does it make you look guilty to?

    All money was counted and both your cash drawer and the woman's purse showed that you were accurate in your transaction with the customer. It was only because this woman would not admit that she was wrong, or because she has dementia and actually believes she is right, that your company tried to placate this lady with the money and flowers. That was good business practice because, as someone has said already, an angry customer can do a lot of damage.

    Your employer knows that you were right (and so do the lady's friends who are aware that she is a bit loopy). You will get more points for being professional if you can get over the fact that somebody said you did something wrong -when you didn't-, and can treat this woman in a warm and friendly way.

    Best wishes to you

  4. Swallow your pride, be nice and chatty and smile. I know it will be difficult but it will show class and dignity. She's a pensioner whose memory could be starting to go. In the UK  the motto 'the customer is always right' takes precedence I'm afraid. It will also show your bosses what a top class employee you are. Good luck :-)

  5. i can totally empathise with you as this happened to me twice in my previous job. both times the tills were checked and both times they were right. unfortunately though, the customer has to be treated as if they are always right so that they continue to supply the company with trade. everytime someone has a bad experience in a shop, they will tell on average about 5 people, who will also take their custom else where, so the management will do what ever it takes to keep the customer happy.  

  6. You must put this behind you and move on. It's not the first time that this has happened and certainly won't be the last. Some elderley folk are just a wee bit forgetful and some are sharp as knives and will purposely try to trick you. There is no way to tell who is genuine and who is not. Your employer will have come up against this on many occassions. He/she will not have any doubts about you. If it's really getting you down, you should voice your concerns to your employer. I bet you will be re-assured that you are in no way to blame...

  7. Id be fuming as well if I were you, but from a managerial point of view, its a case of the customer is always right - even when they're wrong, and to put an end to her moaning and badmouthing the store, it was easier to just put the matter to rest and give her back the money.

    20 quid isnt a huge amount, but for the store not to be slated by this woman to her friends etc, and thus getting a bad name for "cheating" the elderly - I think it was the right decision made by the management.

    If you feel that strongly about it, I would go to the manager that made the decision to reimburse her and state your case clearly that you hope he realises that you did not underchange her and the till receipts proved that - and that whilst you realise why he did it, you hope that he wont doubt your integrity as an employee


  8. Ok so she probably has alzheimer's and is too old to remember what she gave you. Don't take it personally, like the manager said, the customer is "always" right, even if they are not.  What really matters is that YOU and the rest of the staff you work with KNOW you didn't do anything wrong.  I worked in customer service for 4 years, and I had similar situtations. So don't let it get to you, let it go and maybe to avoid anything like that count back the change given to the customers.

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