
Customer population influenced by incentives?

by  |  earlier

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I work for an insurance company, and I've noticed that most of our customers are overweight. They tend to come into my office, browse the selection of donuts in the morning (or scour the vending machines if it's later in the afternoon), then pick their favourite, and EAT while sitting at my desk. I'm wondering... Do you think that our company would have fewer obese customers if we didn't offer tempting sweet snacks?




  1. Of course. Everyone knows that they love pastry.

    Maybe you should offer a fruit or veggie tray.

  2. No! It's not your companies fault.

    Ask yourself this: How often do the mentioned customer's come into your business?

    Do you think they got over weight after they started doing business with your establishment?

    Also; do you force their hand to lift the donut to their mouth?

    People are responsible for self.

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