
Customer service people: describe the worst customer you've ever had!?

by  |  earlier

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Long night at work, could use a laugh!




  1. i was an observer of this......

    i was at the library waiting to check out a book.  one of the librarians was dealing with a "clueless" lady.  

    she had taken out a book & kept it way past the due date.  She brought it back to the front desk to see if she could take it out again.  the lady said yes BUT she needed to pay the fine first.  the fine was actually more than the book if the lady would have had to replace the book if it had been lost.  

    so the "clueless" one tried to convince the librarian that she didn;t see the book, to give it back to her & let her pay the replacement.  basically lie.  this ordeal lasted for as long as i was there - 20 min - & still no resolution in site.

  2. i have had sooo many but one stands out the most. i work 3rd shift at a hotel and one night some guy came in and gave me his credit card. well it declined and i told him. so he gave me cash but it was less then what i need so i told him. he threw his credit card at me telling me it was my fault it declined and to call his bank ( it was 3am and i doubt the bank would talk to me about someone Else's account anyway ) so i told him. he asked if we had an atm and i said there is one up the street so next he throws his cash at me and says you expect me to drive up the street? then he threw his credit card again and told me that i was rude and he would have me fired because he is a paying customer and i am trying to turn down business. i told him if he yells one more time or throws something again i would have the sheriff out here so he goes to his car and comes back in with the rest of the cash.

  3. 1. At a movie theater lady needs to see management. The ice was to cold. WTF? It is ice it is meant to be cold. Suppose you could microwave it, but it might just turn into water.

    2. Movie again. Movies come with attached required previews and only a few are added. Disney movie with Pirates of Caribbean 3 attached. Guy came storming out with his like 8 year old son screaming about it. Saying it was far to scary and demanding to know who put it on there and that it be removed. Duh Disney put it on there or Bueno Vista (Disney corp).

    Well that wasn't good enough he literally followed management to the office and threatened to kick down the door. Well to make it short he ended up getting tasered and spent the night in jail. Don't know if the kid was taken into social services or not.

  4. Well, I'm not customer service, but sometimes it seems like it.  I am a cook at a country club.  On Wednesday and Thurday nights we have Beer and Burger night, and I often make the hamburger patties (yes, by hand and not those grosso premade frozen kind).  So two days ago, the manager came back to the kitchen and asked if the Exec Chef and I were really busy.  He and I frowned at each other wondering what she was really about to ask.  She said, "Could you guys mess up the edges of the burgers a little?  They are too round and perfect and people are asking if they are really handmade."  My jaw dropped.  "So, you're asking me to make burgers a little crappier looking?  WT..?"  Chef laughed.  I mean seriously.  If you go out for a burger, do you really look at it THAT much? Sheesh.

    Then, one night I had made cheese soup for the Soup de Jour.  A server came back and asked if a customer could have the cheese soup with no cheese.  I told her to get out of the kitchen because I was too busy for stupid questions.  She replied, "I told them I would ask."

  5. Good grief I have many of those stories, I once had a male throw 2 quarters at me because they were Canadian...he was ranting that we don't accept the money but we give it out...I thought the fool was going to have a a heart attack, and started laughing at him.

    One xmas while working I totaled up a sale, and the customer said that's not mine, I said ENOUGH, stand in line and do not put anything down until you get to the resister, holy c**p they did.

    The best was a lady whose credit card said..NO WAY, well she went on a rant about how the card was good and to redo it, and blah blah blah, i continued to say she had to go to the main office about it, she finally left and the next customer said i handled her quite well, I told him I was actually considering how a plea of justifiable homicide would work. So don't know if these are funny to you, but have a great nite.

  6. Went to Subway, waited 5 minutes for anyone to show up to the front counter. Single staffed, she was dragging a trash can, huffed and grabbed a pair of gloves without washing her hands. I put it aside, having worked in food-service myself, were we had to bleach the trash cans every night. I just hoped that was the case.

    "Can I help you?"

    "Two footlong Italian BMTs on Italian Herbs and Chesse."

    She goes to the oven/cabinet and says, "We only have a six inch."

    Well that helps, because I'm instantly not as hungry.

    "Okay, how about Monterrey Cheddar?"

    She looks again, "Nope."

    "Did I do something to offend you?" I asked her.

    "No. . . Why?" She said lowering her brow.

    "You're just having a terrible attitude." I told her.

    "No I'm not." She snaps back.

    "Well I don't want food from anyone who's got an attitude or dirty hands so see ya later."

    It was the second time I'd had terrible service there, and I decided I'd just let them deal with mediocre service and hope they went out of business.

    Quiznos and Penn Station are better anyway.

  7. I remember when I was in high school. I worked for this well know chicken restaurant. It was a hot summer night and we were open 'til midnight. Anyway, this weird guy came to the drive-thru and paid for his nasty chicken.

    He asks me to put the sporks in a bag. Just when I thought I was done with him, he asked me to put the honey mustard and BBQ sauce in another bag. I just wanted him to leave but he wouldn't. He had red eyes and smelled like funion rings and alcohol. The car behind him blew his horn and the weirdo left the drive thru.

    As I was talking to my manager about it, ole boy shows up in the lobby demanding that he get's another order of chicken because his was not fresh enough. When my manager told him it would be another 20 minutes for fresh cooked chicken, he got upset. Then he said, "I want my chicken and I am going to get my gun blow all y'all heads off."  And ran out of the restaurant.

    My boss was soo scared that he told us to lock the doors, shut down and go home! The guy didn't show up, but needless to say, that was my last dealing with the greasy chicken shack. I hope this made you laugh because I can laugh about it now.  

  8. Some crazy New Yorker comes barging in the store, "WHERE IS THE BAG WITH THE PRINCESSES ON IT?!?!"  Then he comes up to me, "I DON'T WANT TO MAKE A SCENE, BUT I'M GETTING PISSED OFF!"

    Apparently he left a birthday gift behind.  And we didn't have it either haaaaaa!

  9. At my winter job at a book store there was this creepy guy who would come in to buy p**n ever day! One day he asked me for a discount on "Top Erotica of 2007" because it had been bent a little on the edge (because he had been in here everyday looking at it!) and he was a little upset we could only take 10% off  LOL

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