
Customs & bringing goods into Ireland from USA?

by  |  earlier

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If you walk through the green channel on teh way back into Ireland and the Customs ask to inspect your case and find stuff what do they do?

Do they just charge you duty or will they confiscate the stuff (clothes, ipod and a camera for instance)?




  1. they will confiscate only stuff ur not meant to have but they are dead easy goin its like bein told of by ur uncle

  2. charge duty

  3. They'll charge duty if you have a obvious big box with you, like a PC.

    I don't know about iPods. I suppose if they see it, they'll want to know where you bought it, and when. Have the receipt with you.

  4. If you have your own requirements  -  clothes, ipod and camera   -   no problem.  If you are importing, i.e. loads of them which obviously could not all be for your own personal use, then you are very likely to be charged customs duty.  Unless the items are prohibited, they shouldn't be confiscated

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