
Cut off other solutions on how to rid new lawn and garden from becoming pond scum. Standing water in garden.?

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Will I solve the problem if garden is built up? Just WHATis a french drain? I'm a hard worker. Possibly do this myself or is this strictly a contractor job?? Excuse my inexperience in this dept.




  1. If there is constant standing water in the lawn/garden then there is most likely an underground spring in the area. A french drain MAY do the trick. Basically you dig a 24" deep trench about 6" wide, place perforated drain tile in the bottom (at some amount of pitch from high to low to redirect the water), and fill it in with washed gravel (usually 1" size)  The concept is that the moisture will travel down through the gravel, enter the drain tile, and flow away.  They use this technique a lot along the foundation of houses to keep surface moisture from becoming a problem in the long run. The problem with you situation is that it is probably not just a linear issue like the perimeter of a house. Its an actual AREA where it is occuring.  If the problem is not a spring, and it is that your property is down hill from a higher grade and excess water is making its way to your property then a french drain will probably be the solution. Explain the layout of the garden/yard a little more and it will be easier to solve the problem.

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