
Cute g*y story for you all w/question?

by  |  earlier

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Question first: Do you hold hands with your partner while driving? I don't, but only because I can't drive as well lefty...

Inspiration story!: Today, working at the drive-through of McDonald's, I took an order, and I heard this guy play arguing with someone and laughing. He said, "stop! I can't breathe!" I guess he was getting tickled. They pull up to the window, and it was a g*y couple. The one guy was holding his partner's leg. They were really cute together, and I just felt all warm inside seeing them be all puppy-lovey!!! =)

Then I realized if that was me in a drive-through, I;d probably run into something. =( I am REALLY bad with only one hand, and being tickled would be catastrophic.




  1. I normally have my hand on her leg while I drive. And the story was a cute feel good story, it made me smile. :)


  2. :-) that was a cute story. For me i can't drive either without both hands so I find a solution is maybe just a quick touch or caress when stopped at a traffic light.

  3. now that is cute. xD

  4. Yes its sure is nice.  

  5. dont mind TJ she is a she male who is a mega Les-Bo in denial , u know the type that hate men . but aaaawww so cute!

  6. Well I've noticed that some g*y men also have the non-driving partner caress there leg while they drive.Have your partner do that.Yes the stry is cute though.

  7. Awwww that's so sweet. See how can anyone discriminate love like that?

  8. AWWWWW that's so cute!!!!

  9. I don't have a partner yet, but if I did omg so much pda haha.

    Awww I saw something like that also. It was these two guys and they were g*y and they were taking out their three adopted kids to the movies to see star wars. It made my day especially because after that I went to my extremely homophobic aunts house. Oh and you could tell that the kids were adopted because the two guys were asian and the three kids were latino. It was soo cute.

  10. My ex and I used to hold hands, but he was always driving...

  11. I would if I had a partner and he wanted too.

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