
Cute girl names or not....?

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esmie (not esme the french name)















  1. I love them. Especially Bella and Esmie, go unique something you don't hear very commonly. I would cross out kaylie and ellie. Maybe replace them with Madeline or Melony. But I love the name Bella it has a ring to it.

  2. bella is too childish for when u r older. if u r thinking of bella, u should make it isabella and bella as a nickname. i dont like the name roxanne.

  3. kaylie-5 pretty, but overused & not aging

    bella-10 love it

    esmie (not esme the french name)-6 more like a nickname

    ellie-10 love it

    rosalie-1 old-fashion

    rosalina-1 old-fashion

    nollie-5 old fashion but cute

    nellie-1 old fashion

    delilah-1 to sharp on the "i" and very girly

    avery-10 love it

    carson-10 love it especially spelled Karsyn

    nelina-1 ewwwwwwwwwww

    ava-10 love it even though it is old fashion

    roxanne-1 harsh sounding

  4. All are cute except






  5. They're all quite adorable. I don't like Ellie, but that's my own personal bias. =]

  6. Rosalie is cute!

  7. Bella, Nellie, and Delilah are pretty, but i dont really like the other ones..

    good luck

  8. Ava, Bella, or Delilah, YES...........................Nollie?

  9. twilight :] bella, esme, and rosalie haha i love kaylie (it's probably my faveorite) but bella's gorgeous too! rosalie (i don't particularaly like rosalina), delilah, and ava are also really pretty. those are just my opinions though. hope you find the perfect name for the baby :] ♥  

  10. kaylie, avery, nelina, carson, delilah, rosalina, rosalie, nellie, nollie, esmie (?!?) and kaylie are NO NO NO's.

    Bella and Elle are ok. Roxanne will have people singing the song about the hooker Roxanne by the Police.

  11. Horrible names: nollie, nellie, delilah, avery, carson, ava and roxanne is S****y  

  12. From cutest to lest cutest. :)















  13. They are all cute names - my one piece of advice would be this....

    Some names are only cute when they are babies/kids. Remember that your child will grow up into an adult and will need to apply for a job. Picture your child's name on a business card or resume to make sure that the name will still sound nice in their adult years.

  14. I like Kaylie, Delilah, & Ava.

  15. very cute. I like Kaylie, Carson, Avery, and ROsalie

  16. I like kaylie, avery, carson, and ava. The other ones, not so much.

  17. kaylie: Name is way too trendy and not that cute.

    bella The name alone is lacking, It is one of those names that are cute together with another bane such as Anna Bella Clara Bella

    esmie (not esme the french name) Cute but I like the French version

    ellie Okay. I wouldn't say cute

    rosalie Not cute

    rosalina Not cute

    nollie What name is that? Not cute.

    nellie Cute for a pet, not a person

    delilah Very nice.

    avery Cute

    carson Not cute for a girl

    nelina Not cute

    ava Nice name

    roxanne Not cute at all


  18. i will rate the names out of 10

    remember they are just my opinions!

    kaylie - really cute! - 9/10

    bella - sounds italian, quite nice - 7/10

    esmie (not esme the french name) - nice as well - 7/10

    ellie - a bit boring - 5/10

    rosalie - a bit different and really nice - 9/10

    rosalina - sounds a bit old fashioned - 7/10

    nollie - its ok - 5/10

    nellie - i love this name! - 8.5/10

    delilah - really nice - 8/10

    avery - sounds a bit like ivory - 5/10

    carson - sounds a bit masculine - 4/10

    nelina - its ok - 5/10

    ava - love it - 9/10

    roxanne - could be shortened to roxy - 7/10


  19. Ava






    HATE: Rosalie, Rosaline, Roxanne, Nellie, Nollie, Nelina

  20. Some of the names you have picked out are very cute!

    Kaylie, Bella, Esmie, Ellie, Avery and Ava I like the the best!

    I like Ellie Mae!!

  21. kaylie - ok, but really popular

    bella - means "beautiful"

    esmie (not esme the french name) - not

    ellie - okay

    rosalie - old

    rosalina - different

    nollie - what?

    nellie - old

    delilah - sinful

    avery - ok

    carson - boys' name

    nelina - melina, maybe

    ava - all time popular name in 2008 (says me)

    roxanne - reminds me of Vegas dancing girls

    TX Mom

  22. I like





    and Ellie.

    They are all very pretty.

  23. kaylie= it's common.

    bella= nice.. very cute.

    esmie (not esme the french name)= not sure how to pronounce.

    ellie= I prefer Elle.

    rosalie= i don't like it.

    rosalina= again, i don't like it.

    nollie= no.

    nellie= no.

    delilah= daphnee if cuter.

    avery= love it!

    carson= for a girl?

    nelina= no.

    ava= it's okay.

    roxanne= okay.

  24. Carson is a boy name. And so is Avery. I love Ellie. :)

  25. Those names are all adorable! I would pick a combination of two, first name and middlename such as Rosalie Ava or Carson Bella!  You always want to pick unique yet likable names so 1) you give your child their own identity and 2) it's a likable name so she won't get made fun of when she is younger.  All in all they are all very pretty and unique names so I would just have fun with picking one :) Good luck!

  26. kaylie- my friend's name.. but too common..

    bella- from the Twilight Series.. I ♥ this name! [hint: i love the Twilight Series]

    esmie (not esme the french name)- also from the Twilight Series. I c3 this name but idk how do pronounce it.. lol

    ellie: my very close cousin's nick name. cute

    rosalie- also from the Twilight Series.. i kinda like it.

    rosalina- no.. Reminds me of the Naked Brothers Band.. eeek

    nollie- no.. reminds me of the bratz dolls or whatever. i don't like it

    nellie- not really

    delilah- lol. my name. [not my real name.. i just like it]

    avery- bery pretty

    carson- ummm. not really

    nelina- not really

    ava- not really

    roxanne- I ♥ this name!!! I would name my baby this.. But this is my sister's name. lol. =]

    I really like tha name Trinity.. Its pretty and has meaning.. =]

  27. I like lots name of those, I like





    My favourite name from this list is Roxanne!

  28. I like Kaylie [Caylee] Bella,Avery, Ava, and Roxanne.

    I like Carson for a boy!

  29. kaylie - not

    bella - Cute

    esmie (not esme the french name) - Cute

    ellie - Cute

    rosalie -not

    rosalina -Cute

    nollie -not

    nellie -not

    delilah - Cute

    avery - -Cute but overused

    carson - Cute

    nelina -not

    ava - Cute

    roxanne - Cute

  30. The only one I really like is Rosalina. That's a pretty name. Rosaline would be nice too.

    Roxanne is disgusting.

    Avery and Carson are too masculine and Kaylie is TOO common.

  31. I like Ellie, Delilah, Avery, Ava and Roxanne

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