
Cute poem for wedding rescheduled?

by  |  earlier

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My fiance and I were supposed to get married June 14, 2008. After careful consideration, we both decided that we wanted to wait. We are now planning our wedding for June 14, 2009.

We had already sent out invitations for the first wedding and had to call everyone and cancel. Now we are looking for some kind of cute poem that explains the situation to guests that are being re-invited. Does anyone have any ideas? Original creations are welcomed! :)




  1. Honestly (and I presume you want honesty here) I think the whole "cute poem" thing has gotten way out of hand.  People on here want "cute poems" for guestbook signing, bridal shower invitations, asking people to be their bridesmaids, EVERYTHING!  I personally hope to never receive another "cute poem" in the mail as long as I live.  Just keep it simple, briefly state that your wedding has been rescheduled, and don't get all cutesy about it.  If they want the scoop, they'll ask you, although it's never polite to ask about a rescheduled wedding.

  2. It's not from cold feet

    It's not out of fear

    But we have decided

    To wait one more year!

  3. Sorry that you’ll have to wait,

    For our new wedding date.

    Please come prepared to wine and dine,

    One June 14, 2009.

  4. I Love Him

    He Loves Me

    But We Decided

    To Reinvite Everybody.

  5. We set the date,

    when we were not ready to mate .

    Now it is on again

    We want you there with all our kin .

    We are sorry for the delay

    Now we are sure that this is the day.

    So put on your prettiest things

    and come see what this new day brings.

    We really will shed a tear

    If you can not be here .

    Please RSVP

    so we will know ( my husband and me )

    I sure hope that this is o k

    and that you or yours will catch the bridal bouquet

    so for now I have to go

    Can't wait to see you , that I know .

    Please come !!!!

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