
Cute/silly stories your parents told you when a kid that you believed?

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I was told that my Aunt in Florida was a good witch. We lived in Tx and when she'd come to visit she'd bring one of those small mini brooms and they told us that she flew to see us on her. Her name was Matilda. They'd put the broom in the bed on the pillow with the covers up to the bristles and say she was tired from the trip and needed to rest. She was suppose to always take us on a ride in the sky, cause she's open to have a kitchen and everything once up there, but every night that they'd arrive they'd say she got sick from the heat and had to fly home (we thought florida was colder, me and my bro were young). They'd put a couple bristles leading to the window and saw she left without us knowing.

I was in 2nd grade and in class I was telling someone that my Aunt was a witch and I got into an argument saying she the teacher stepped in and stopped us and said she wasn't. When I got home my mom told me the truth. I was so embarrassed and sad. I loved Matilda. There is still a part of me that misses that today :)

good memories!




  1. My mom told me and my sister that if we ate pop rocks and drank soda are stomachs would blow up. I believed her, and I cried when my sister bought pop rocks and soda.

    I was 7 at the time.

  2. Everyone morning when i would wake up i would always had like stuff in my eyes. My mom would always say ( and dad) that the sand man came to vist me last night. They told us so we could go to sleep that the sand man would come after we went to bed so no one ever saw well when i went to camp over summer and no one else has ever heard of that

  3. That all my pets went to a farm =[, and If I didn't behave the tarantula would eat me (in all fairness that one come from my bro)

  4. My bro once told me if I drank Emergen C, I would explode, I was so afraid I never went near it!

  5. Pinching my nose before sleeping keeps it pointed. I really believed it and did it every night until 12 years old

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