
Cute user name? ASAP?

by  |  earlier

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Hey people, I'm usually in the p&s but i've decided to take a break.

Ok, so, I like Ninjas, Emo music (though I don''t want the wordd emo in my username, since some people would think I would be a poser.), zombies, music (in general), animals, the color roygbiv, the song the great escape (haha inside joke), dinosaurs, penguins (hhaaha), music, music,more music.

SOrry, I'm looking for something with my friend..

Please help ASAP.

Haha thanks.




  1. How about MuzikZombie. LOL or NinjaBunny. ^-^

  2. well its not cute but I would pick 'Poser' since you say you aren't one opposites are always fun to nickname people

  3. MuzikNinja

    Or it could be like Muzikk•Ninjaa



    MuSiCaL nInJa PeNgUiN


    The musical ninja penguin dnosaur rainbow zombie(jk lol)

  4. Lambi Pixxi Tee hee

  5.     * Poochiewuggydumplings

        * Snoogypoo

        * Poochiesnookum

        * Moopiewookumkin

        * Foofiepooh

        * Smoochiesnookie

        * Loveymoopsie

        * Bunkersnookumdumpling

        * Wuddlycake

        * Snuggymoopie

        * Cutielips

        * Wuddlyboo

        * Snookiemoopie

        * Smooshsnookiepook

        * Smoochpooh

        * Pookiedarling

        * Moopieschnookum

        * Babymush

        * Wuggylovey

        * Doodleboo

        * Wookielips

        * Moofiekins

        * Schnookumlove

        * Schnooglepoo

        * Schnooglebunker

        * Wuddlypoo

        * Moofiepums

        * Cuddlewookie

        * Foofiecakes

        * Wooglebunch

        * Schnookiebooblepums

        * Bunkerdoodle

        * Moogliesmoochie

        * Poofiebunch

        * Sweetiecute

        * Schnookielips

        * Smoochcute

        * Snooglefoof

        * Cuddlysnuggy

        * Wookumcute

        * Doodlemoopiekins

        * Wuggybooblebunny

        * Moopsiebooble

        * Wookumkissie

        * Woogledoodle

        * Loveywoogy

        * Snookiebaby

        * Sweetiesweetie

        * Schnookieschnookum

        * Smoochmoopsielips

        * Snoogykissieface

  6. maybe NinjaZombie

  7. Penguin No Jutsu!!!  (Penguin Skill)

    Ronin No Penguin!!!  (Ronin the Penguin, ronin being a high level ninja/soldier)

    Aoi Hime  (Assuming you just plain like anime and japan in general, this means Blue Princess, similarly you could use Kawaii Hime which is cute princess, I prefer the former suggestion, but I am here to help you :D)

    Nin-RAWR!  (Mix of Ninja and the sound a dinosaur makes ^ ^)

    Zombie-saurus  (Pretty basic, but it's nice too :D)

    Ninjas Like Zombies  (Play on the name of the band who sang The Great Escape [Boys Like Girls])

    Dinoja  (Mix of Dinosaur and Ninja, doesn't suit you though, not really all that cute ): )

    Self Ninjured  (You said you didn't want the word emo in it so using an emo idea "self injuring" and combining with Ninja you get Self Ninjured, I actually really like this one and if you don't take it I will, you have 240 hours *tink* *tink* *tink* *tink* :P [10 days])

  8. about EMO? does that work?

  9. cutecuitiecute

    Haha your welcome.

  10. How about Penguisaur?

  11. how bout XxDeathxNinjaxOfxDarknessXx or somethin like that. mayb somethin close 2 that

  12. the_dancing_ninja_penguin







    you can remove the underscores but due to my small reading ability it easier for me to read them like that

  13. hmmmm

    ♥Zombie Penguin♥

    Zombie Ninja

    uuhh thats all i got lol ^_^
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