I was babysitting the other day for a 9 year old boy, Randy, a 7 year old boy, Micah and their little 4 year old sister, Meena. Meena said she wanted some Sunny D, so I got her some. I asked the boys if they wanted any. Micah did, and Randy said really loudly, ":Sunny D is really gross and it's bad for you." Meena shook her head and said "No it's not." Randy said "Oh yeah?" and Meena said, "Yeah, on TV it said that sunny D has vitaminsies."
I looked at her and said, "Meena, what are vitaminsies?" she looked puzzled and said, "Like vitamins, only vitaminsies! maybe they are for kids." then i understood, she misheard Vitamin C as Vitaminsies.
I tried hard to not laugh.
Anyone else have a cute story like that?