
Cuts on your private area

by  |  earlier

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My fiance just told me that the he has a few cuts on his private piece and when he pulls back the skin (he is not circumcised) it really hurts him.

Does anyone know anything about this?




  1. something similar happene to me with a biking accident, i wentto the ER and go 4 stitches, they put me to sleep and everything, i had to see a specialist too, my inner testicles were visible, i'm 13 too

  2. This is often due to a thrush or fungal infection. He may have just developed one (often, as Mandy suggests, from use of soap) or have caught it from you. You don't have to have symptoms to have one and they are nothing to be ashamed of. I suggest he switches to just rinsing with plain water and that you both have a course of treatment of Canesten, Monostat or something else recommended by a pharmacist.

    Use condoms till you are both clear. If that doesn't fix the problem you should see a f******n-friendly doctor. NOCIRC can recommend one. Run if a doctor wants to circumcise straight away.

    Here's a link to stretching instructions if scarring makes the f******n a little tight after he is clear of any infections.

  3. Maybe a fungal infection? Or from rough/too dry s*x?

    If he leaves it alone for a while it should heal if he washes and dries well and he could even put a healing cream on it. If this doesn't work or it's really bad though then I recommend he sees a doctor.


  4. you'll need to find out what's he doing down there

  5. As the previous answerer said, it could be phimosis or something else, but I just wanted to throw another possibility out there for you to consider.  My son, who's five, has had "cuts" from soap and bubble bath drying out his skin.  Honestly, I have too, and so has my daughter.  If your fiance has recently switched soap he may just be sensitive to it.  If that's the case he should just stop using soap at all until everything gets back to normal, then avoid the offending product at all costs.  Actually, I wouldn't use any soap at all, ever.  Just plain water.  Hope he feels better soon.  

  6. how do you circumcise a whale???------------    4 skin divers!

  7. Uh, how did he get the cuts?

    How deep are they?

    He should wash them, and try to keep the area clean. I had a cut down there once, and I applie neosporin to it and that helped things along well.

  8. Sounds like

    (1) he might have cut himself while shaving his public hair, especially on his p***s. Ask him and see what he says.  Tell him to be more careful next and stretch the skin on his p***s before he starts to shave.

    (2) he has a tight f******n that won't retract easily.  Hopefully, he can roll it back all the way when he's soft so that he can wash out the smegma.  Tell him to practice stretching it and it may become easier.  If it doesn't after a few months, then he probably shoudl talk to his doctor about it.

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