
Cutting Help?Please Answer?

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Well I've been cutting for a couple years now and I feel it's really taking over my life..... in all the bad ways. It's affecting my life so terribly. I feel everything I do revolves around my self-injury. I was wondering if any of you guys knew some websites where I could talk about my problems and possibly get some help?





    I have been to treatment at SAFE-Alternatives and I run the yahoogroup.

    I injured for more years than I even know oft hand.  Now I can say that I have NOT injured in over 10 years. Both of these sites you may find helpful.  They are worth checking into.  Both are about recovery and you will not find graphic stuff in either one.  So I hope you find the help you are looking for.  I remember what it was like to have everything revolve around injuring.  It is no life to have to live and is one that can come to a halt.  I wish you luck hon.

  2. Is there a way you can talk to a real mental health provider?  On the website, it recommends talking to people listed below:

    Mental health specialists, including:


    Clinical Psychologists

    Social Workers

    Licensed mental health counselors

    Your family doctor

    Your employer provided Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

    Nearby university or medical school-affiliated mental health clinics

    Your local hospital

    Community mental health centers


    Your Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) or Health Insurance company.

    I know that I use to cut myself not for suicidal reasons but to dull out the mental pain by inflicting physical pain on myself.  It is best to talk to a real person instead of someone online. On the same website, you could look up mental health specialists in your area.  

  3.    I agree with most of the other answers. It sounds like doing this to your self is not only dangerous but it sounds like after doing it you feel horribly remorseful. I'd have to go with the others who say "seek proffesional help" you would be amazed at how much some people really want to help

  4. Hi Julie,

    If so much of your life is revolving around self injury, it might be time to see a professional who deals specifically with self injury. You need support from your family and friends, so that they know what's going on and you feel accountable to them. Calling a helpline can certainly be a good way to get some extra support. Often times, self injurers have been physically and/or sexually abused, in some way. If you have been sexually abused, you might be angry at yourself, deep down, because u may feel, in some way, responsible. This is an extremely common reaction. There's plenty of free help, available. If you go to, you can find a page that lists sexual assault counseling centers closest to your area code( They might all offer different resources, including free in person individual and/or group therapy. Also, you can call the RAINN hot-line and you'll automatically be transferred to the closest sexual assault counseling center to you. You can get support, in this way. The RAINN hot-line doesn't store your phone number and all calls are anonymous, although since they transfer you based on your area code, I believe that you might need to call from an unblocked number. Or maybe it doesn't matter. You've obviously had to deal with some situations, in life, not necessarily sexual abuse, that weren't fair nor were your fault. It's important to try to deal with the reasons for why you're so angry at yourself, but also, the cutting itself. It's hard for any of us to not blame ourselves for those terrible things that have happened, in our lives. Try to imagine yourself back in a terrible situation or just back when you were younger. Imagine yourself at that time or when you were younger by 1,  5 or 10 years. Then imagine yourself talking to this person who you're imagining. How do u feel towards this person? Are you angry, at all, at her? We all blame ourselves, for things that we shouldn't, especially when we're young or most vulnerable. It's just so much easier to blame ourselves, to get some type of closure, than to blame someone who might never acknowledge fault or who we don't want to hate. You deserve to be happy, and there's no reason that you shouldn't take full advantage of all the resources available to you. Search for on-line support groups, and join them. Call support lines. Get a steady in person therapist, if you can. Let those closest to you know what you're going through and allow them to hold you accountable, so that you know that if you cut they'll know it. I heard of a trick that might help you. When you feel like cutting, instead take an ice cube into the palm of your hand and squeeze it. Keep squeezing until the urge subsides. I wish you all of the best!


  5. I know that through a website you would be totally anonymous and you would feel "safer" to talk or to look around, but your self harming habits have to be talked with an expert, that sees you as an individual, not as part of a group.

    Please make an appointment with your GP and be honest with him/her.

    Remember that 8 out of 10 people go through some kind of "mental problem" at some point in our lives. Also, websites are good for general information, but taking it with a pinch of salt, don't believe everything you read on them.

    Good luck

  6. Go to:

    it's an excellent chatroom for mental illness etc, everyone there is so nice and supporting & it helps a lot to vent. There is even a room on there specifically for self injury support which I suppose is what you need, and there is a support group session in that room at 10PM on thursday (I think that's 10PM American time) where sufferers gather to talk and support each other. There are usually more people on there late at night.

    Good luck x

  7. i think you should see a therapist instead of a website

  8. well i decided just the other night actually, that i should call the kids help phone. They help alot of people when they need it. there number is 1-800-668-6868. and there is an operater at first that tells you about the hotline and then you can press an number for the confindentiallity (that was very improtant for me) and then it will sned you to an actual person and they'll say hi and then you just have to start talking. They are there to listen and to help you.  

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