
Cutting Horse riders. ?

by  |  earlier

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I have recently become interested in Cutting Horses. I do have a 16 year old quarter horse that has excellent bloodlines(doc bar, smart little lena, chick o lena) and seems to take an interest in the cows. So my question is if it is possible to train him myself. I have ridden cutting horses before and am a very experienced rider but I wanted to know if anybody had any tips on how to train(just for fun not competitive) my older horse. and I do have cows and a cutting pen, so that is not a problem. ..Websites would be great as well as first hand tips and stories. . . Thank you




  1. you should sign up for the Larry Trocha newsletter.  It is all about training cutting horses.

  2. i do kno how to teach horses to slide and spin, (im taking lessons with a professional) but i feel that it would be best for to research on the internet more and try to contact a trainer. many people have different ways of training but u should find yourself a good trainer in your area to give u and your horse one on one help.

    check out some of the wonderful websites u have been given and good luck!!!

  3. I would say yes, if you have lots of experience in cutting.

    Dunno though.

  4. Here's a few websites you are sure to check out. Depending on where you are located, there may be lots of cutting trainers in your area. In my town alone, there are 7 reputable money earning, including myself cutting trainers. But then again I live in the Cowboy Capital and am only an hour away from the Cutting Capital of the World(Ft Worth, Texas).

  5. Perhaps you should consider Ranch Cutting, It does not require the cutting skills that conventional cutting does.

    You cut the cow a few times and then run him down the arena a pen him.  Sort of like a hybrid of cutting and team penning.

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