
Cutting back burning bushes.?

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We have two 5 ft. tall burning bushes that have grown so bushy that they are now blocking a set of stone steps on either side. If we cut them right to the ground will the bushes grow back from shoots? And how many inches of stump should be left when we cut?




  1. I've heard you can cut them back to less than 1 foot and they regrow just fine.  They are so hardy that probably you could cut them to the ground, but I would be afraid to do that.

  2. You can cut them off even with the ground and they will grow back if watered. However, you will have to wait a few years for them to grow back to a height where they look nice.

    You can cut them back away the steps, and top them. The big woody branches and trunks will put out many new shoots and in a couple of months you will have nice full bushes again that are the size you want.

  3. While the shrubs may survive being pruned to the ground, why would you want to do that?  I suggest doing a light pruning to expose the steps now, and then next March, just reshape them so they don't look lopsided.

  4. well, here's another idea.  trim all the lower branches so that your steps are visible [like lower 2/3 of bush] leaving the tops to grow even taller and cascade over the walk-way.  there should be about 4 main stems.  treat them as if they are a tree clump, trimming all the smaller shoots.  in a year or two, they should be tall enough to walk UNDER.  that would look so neat and inviting.  snip the tops back till then for easy passing.

  5. yes. 4-6"

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