
Cutting... just found out my daughter is doing it, now what?

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Saw some scratches on her hand this morning. Told me that she got them from a friends kitten yesterday. She's 17. This afternoon noticed more marks on her arm from healed cuts. A year ago she told me about her friend who was doing it and told me how mad she was at her friend for doing it. I'm going through a divorce and my stbx is being more abusive and manipulative than normal and has thrown the girls into the middle of the divorce and seems to be she might be taking the brunt of it.

What do I do???




  1. take her to see a councillor.  

  2. I used to cut too... Just give her lots of support, she will most likely lie, and say she doesn't want help, cry, get angry, etc. Find her a therapist, and try to encourage her friends to help her. I never got a therapist, and never told my mother... but i found a really great friend who saved me from myself.

  3. It is more than the divorce that has her feeling as though she can not feel unless she inflicts physical pain upon herself. The best thing for you to do is to get her some professional help. They do have programs for cutters and it is best to get it resolved now. These types of people usually have a hard time expressing any kind of emotion and they tend to exude perfectness on the outside. Inside they are a complete mess. They are angry and completely out of control. Get her into a program!

  4. talk to her and take her to therapy  

  5. go see a psychologist

  6. its some times wht we children do when were upset and we cant help it take it from me i sometimes cut on myself but i dint mean it its when we feel that we are not being listed to or things are just going completely wrong in our life she probably doesn't mean to cut on her self try talking to her about it

  7. Just st her down and ask her, "Baby, this friend that cuts, why does she?"

    See her response.

    Another thing...

    Cutting is normal when a person is going threw rough times.

    Now, don't get upset or anything. I mean, I cut. It is normal.

    It is a way for a person to vent their feelings threw self-munipilation.

    Its hurting yourself. Now, I can understand it can lead to

    something serious. But talk to your daughter and ask why

    she does it and if you can help

  8. Well you should talk to her first. Try to find out why she's doing that to herself and if there's anything you can do to help. Try to be aware of her feelings and be comforting to her.

    You may also want to suggest a counselor. Make sure she knows that she could switch as many times as she needs to find the one that is best for her. Don't force her to go though. When I was little I was forced to go to a counseling with my dad and I absolutely hated it. You can make her try it, but don't continue to force her to go. Make a deal with her that if she tries it 3 times and doesn't think it will help, then she can stop. Each child is different.

    It may also help for YOU to get a counselor. You're probably under a lot of stress and could use someone to listen to. Plus they could help you to help your daughter.

    Good luck.

  9. spend more time with her, get into counseling together and separately, very soon

  10. Counselor

  11. she needs to talk to someone about what shes going through. your in the middle of a divorce.. she needs help now before she does something to damage herself permanently.  

  12. spend time with her and that will keep her from doing stuff like that because you'll be around her most of the time.

  13. You need to get her into therapy. Right now this is her outlet to take out her pain and stress and frustration from the divorce. The best route for her is therapy, it will teach her other ways to deal with her anxieties and anger. Just be supportive and patient and make sure she knows she is loved and that no matter what happens you will always be there for her.

  14. She's probably just depressed about the divorce, and thats the reason why she's cutting.

    Don't get too worried, just talk to her, and see why she's doing it, and if it doesn't stop take her to theropy (I dunno if I spelled that right)

    Or maybe shes going through an emo phase, I'm emo, but I don't cut, see if its that and if it is, tell her that emos don't really cut its just a stupid part that people added, TRUE emos don't cut. Anyways, just spend more time with her, talk, and if it doesn't get better take her to theropy.

    Hope I helped.

  15. Therapy...and quick before she accidentally hurts herself seriously.

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