
Cutting plus gym = HELP?

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i start school monday (8th grade) and iv been cutting for about a month now. but for first hour i have gym and my upper arms are covered with cuts and scars. i dont know how to cover them up or what to do.




  1. Instead if asking how to cover up your cuts, try getting some help. cutting is a common response to depressive symptoms in young people, but is by no means an acceptable behavior. I, too, was a cutter in my youth and people still give me odd looks and ask stupid questions about my scars. Get help now before your symptoms worsen. The earlier folks w/ depression get treated, the more effective the treatment.

  2. I have to deal with this too, and I'm going to 8th grade also.

    Just look for a long sleeved shirt that you can wear, or a sweatshirt.

    Maybe an arm band will help too?

    When you cut, wipe the cut off while it's bleeding in order for there to be a smaller scab.

  3. wrap ace bandages around both arms and just say you sprained both wrists really bad skating or something.

  4. The best thing to do is talk to a therapist.

    But in the short term, what about wearing a T-shirt that's a couple sizes big so the sleeves come down further?

  5. Wear under armor {insert sigh here} {here forward will be serious yelling!!!!} DON'T CUT!!!! it's not good. Express your feelings and find someone to talk to don't hurt yourself.  

  6. many cutters like alcoholics start to make up lies, the cat did it,fell on some broken glass,whatever. dont try to hide it.maybe someone can help you explain why you do this! it is very important to understand why. many do it for control. it is the only thing in  there lives they can control. but it is a bad place to be. you will seriously injure yourself someday or even kill has only been a month, get help now. talk  to your mom,friends a teacher, just tell someone. go to see a dr.maybe there is medication out there that can help you with your problem(depression,anxiety,whatever it may be), so you can start on the road to recovery remember the longer you do it, the harder it will be to stop.there is shame in cutting, there is no shame in asking for help.

  7. what was the precurser a month ago that made you feel that you wanted to do that? had you thought about it for a while? You don't want people to know you are doing it. I think, this is just me, but before you begin school, see if you can talk to that gym teacher and say that you are concerned about participating for an embarassing reason. perhaps you will feel more apt to discusss what that reason is, and they can help point you in the right direction. you are cared about, and people whom care are out there to help, to listen. there is a reason behind what you did, and that reason needs to be discovered. please dont hurt yourself, help yourself. hiding it will make the matter worse in the long run

  8. i'm in my last year of school and i've had that problem all through secondary school. after a few months of wearing jumpers, i just skipped it every week.

    Are you able to privately tell a teacher? if not, do you have a school jumper you can wear? if all else fails, pretend you're ill, write a fake note or bunk the lesson. also, please get some counselling - it really does help. good luck x

  9. just say your cat done it. lol that might work or not lol.

    just wear your school uniform top for p.e and make sure its long arm things.

    if not then say you cant do p.e because you got a sore foot or something.

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