
Cutting the Filter off Cigarettes?

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A member of my family cuts the filter off the cigarettes before she smokes them. I tell her this is really bad but she doesn't seem to care. Filters are meant to FILTER things out so to speak.

What else could I possibly say that will make her realise that if you are going to smoke (...) at least keep the d**n filter on!!




  1. I imagine that she does that because the smoke is otherwise not strong enough for her. Encourage her to change to a brand that will suit her better and can keep the filter on.

  2. Sounds like an attention thing to me. If she wants cigs without a filter she can but Camel or Lucky Strikes and probably others. Or maybe she smokes menthol cigs and can't find them without filters. Either way it is really unhealthy as if smoking in and of itself isn't bad enough.

    Any way... you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink. She needs to want to grow up, you can't force it. Our son (23) has CF (Lung disease) and fights for his life, while others gladly destroy theirs. It makes no sense does it?

  3. The filter is there to filter out as much chemicals as it can. Those chemicals are already killing you even with the filter on. The filter is there to slow the killing process. It looks like your family memeber likes the taste of death. Give her Zyban that stuff works if you want to quit.

  4. It has been shown that chemicals in filters can be as bad as what's in the tobacco itself.  Also, at one point filters contained fiberglass which is extremely unhealthy.  why doesn't she get Camels, Pall Malls, Or LuckY Strikes, all of which are unfiltered?

  5. `m a smoker too. We all know that they aren`t good for us but at least with a filter you have a little protection from the tar and nicotine. Cut the filter off and you have no protection at all.

  6. Hm... the pack clearly states that cigarettes kill. The ones in the pack. The ones with the filter! So I wonder what's gonna happen when you smoke it without the filter... faster death maybe? Remind her it damages her egg cells and makes her future daughters and sons semi-infertile.  

  7. Lung Cancer in 5-10 years or Throat Cancer in 6-12 years. Then a very painful death.

    The choice is hers.

  8. you have to realize that she knows this, & either doesn't care or prefers her cigarettes this way, although I don't know why she just doesn't buy cigarettes without filters(camel, pall mall).

    Smoking is a terrible habit(my father smokes), but she is free to do it. It's not against the law.

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