
Cutting will i gain muscle mass or just burn fat?

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i play soccer when school starts for 1.5hrs 5x a week and im gonna lift 5x a week before school diff muscle groups of course rest sat and sunday so i didthe math i gotta eat 220g protein 180g carbs and 40g fat coming to a total of 2000cals now my question is will i gain muscle due to the amount of protein or i need the excess cals which then i would also not lose my is it possible to burn fat and gain muscle so i dont lose weight or no




  1. I'm assuming you weigh 220lbs because 220g is the protein you're choosing. However, to gain muscle, you want to work your calories to fit your muscle gains, not the other way around. 220g of protein means you should be getting around 440g of carbs per day, with fat naturally coming from your various sources and cooking oils. You'll be working out 1.5hrs of cardio 5x a week and lifting 5x a week, so you need to fuel that kind of exercise. 2000 calories is not enough. I would say at least 2500 right off the bat. Too few calories + lots of exercise = retaining fat. You have to convince your body that there's enough food around so it doesn't have to hold onto extras.

    Muscle gain helps you burn fat, as does the cardio. You said you were worried about excess calories for muscle mass would lead to not losing fat. Nope! I ate 2800-3100 calories a day, worked out with hard lifting 6x a week, hard cardio 6x a week, and yoga 2-4x a week, and lost 35lbs in 3 months while putting on enough fabulous muscle after only 1.5 months that my brother and I could lift and move a sedan. Trust me, it's do-able :)

  2. okay

    when you work out it doesnt burn fat at all

    it uses ur carbs as the energy source

    you only burn fat after your out of carbs

    so if u want to maintain ur fat u have to eat alot of carbs

    a good source of carbs are foods like pasta cereal

    and rice

    eat alot of those

    i dont get all of ur question but i think that will help

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