
Cutting wrist across vs vertically?

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Don't worry, I don't plan on attempting it, but is it true that if you cut it perpendicular to the artery you actually won't bleed to death? As for vertically I hear there's no hope if you cut vertically. How much of this is true?




  1. if u cut it goin up n down u bleed less....but if u cut it goin side ways y bleed me in n experienced cutter

  2. You can bleed to death both ways, it just depends on how deep the cut is and how long you are planning on sitting around, bleeding out.  Apparently, vertical cuts open a larger amount of the vein at once and the person will bleed out faster,  Because of the large surface area of the cut, it is more difficult to stop the bleeding by applying pressure.  Horizontal cuts are just as effective when they are placed just below mid-forearm.  Towards the wrist, the vessels become smaller and towards the elbow, they are located deeper between the muscles.

    I've seen these bodies in the morgue and no one who bleeds out is very  pretty in the morgue.  It's very sad.

  3. i'm guessing its possible but it would take longer

  4. There's hope either way... Just one's a bit safer than the other. Neither's actually safe though. =P

  5. vertically. though with all of the advances in medicine, not only would you have to target a red one-artery- if it is minor, they can just clamp and repair the damage using a lesser vein/artery from somewhere else in your body, or a caver vein.

  6. I was a police officer for six years and one of my first calls was to an attempted suicide.  I guy took a utility knife and cut his wrist, the inside of his elbow, and his bicep.  All three cuts were across the arm, (Not length-wise).  He did that to BOTH arms and then finished the job off by cutting his neck all the way across.  Seriously, I'm not making this up.  He didn't hit a single main artery, and lived through the episode.  I think this is a rare case, but maybe it helps.

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