
Cyber school? New school? or same school?

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Im in 9th grade and i hate highschool. im losing all my friends and there's rumors going on about me and just want to start over. Next year i was considering doing cyber school instead.. but i dont know if my parents will let me they'll say something like "it's not real school".. so i was thinking if they said no.. i could go to another highschool which is closer to my house.. down the street pretty much but i dont go to that high school now so i would have to start over and make new friends which will be hard. Or should i just stay in my same school now and be stuck here in this crappy postion for the next 3 years?




  1. You need to

    1) research your options,

    2) talk to your parents about the pros and cons of all of the different possibilities, and

    3) figure out if the current situation is as bad as you think. I know it might suck right now, but is it really going to be as bad after the summer?

    You need to be able to talk intelligently to your parents about the different options: Why shouldn't they be worried about you if you do cyberschool or unschooling? Is it going to cost more to switch schools? Why is it worth it?

    And you will need to articulate to them why your current situation is a serious problem, why it isn't something to "just deal with" for 3 years (Hint: Would they choose to stay in a job that was bad and showed no chance of getting better, rather than searching for a new job? Do they think that is a good idea generally?)

  2. if you haven't told your parents why you want to do "cyber school" you should.. and it may seem long but really when you think 3 years isn't too bad.. just don't let people get to ya.. =]

  3. Unschool!  Read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewelyn.  It even explains how to discuss getting a real life with your parents.

    Good luck :D

  4. the new school definitely

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