oooooooooooook, let me try to explain this so its not too confusing. My cycles are usually around 30 days long. This month (my fist IUD free cycle in 2.5 yrs) I felt myself ovulate on the 8th (did bd 6,7,8th) of this month. (the first day of my last period was july 26th. So I ovulated on CD 14. Today is 14DPO.
SO here is my question....Do you always have 14 days after ovulation before AF, no matter when you ovulated. Or does cycle legnth depend on when you ovulate in the month?
I hope that makes sense.
Since i Ovulated on CD 14 *should* af be due today? (im 14 dpo)
I dont feel crampy or anything (not even sore b***s, which usually start a week before AF, but have had a nagging dull headache the past weeks and slight nausea..hope AF stays away!)