
Cycles versus Vehicles Run by Fuel.Give points.Need for Debate?

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Cycles versus Vehicles Run by Fuel.Give points.Need for Debate?




  1. absolutely cycles. cause vehicles using fuels emit harmful co2.

    therefore i prefer cycles,especially gear cycles cause they are

    maintenance free cost is very very less. they don't even emit co2

    you will turn to green

  2. bikes...1 no money to run..2  easy to maintain..3. keeps ya in shape.. cars 1.mega money to run.2.mega money to maintain.3.doesnt keep ya in shape..

  3. Advantages of Cycling over other vehicles

    # Lots of exercise: No need of spending monthly fees on GYM other weight reduction programs.

    # Save FUEL : U don't need any fossil fuel for cycling.

    # Pollution Control : As there is no carbon monoxide production.

    # Take a ride on Foot Path : As cycles are not banned on foot path.

    # Easy Movement : In Traffic signal compared to Motorbikes & CARS.

    # No road taxes : on the new bicycle.

    # Don't need a Driving license.

    # Yearly depreciation :Businessmen can take about 20% yearly depreciation on these.

    # Sustainable Transport:Carry all monthly groceries, vegetables, fruits from your market.

    # Time Management: Waiting for a BUS,A Traffic signal. Can be the first to leave a traffic signal.

    # Transportation Cost : Cost of Shifting a Cycle is much lesser than a Motorcycle or a 4 wheeler.

    # Maintenance Cost: Very less compared to others.

    # Servicing : Can be serviced by urself

    # Cleaning : Need Just 1/2 bucket of water or a small piece cloth is also ok.

    # Speed : Can reach speed up to 40kms.


    A Better Environment

    Motor vehicle use degrades the environment in a number of ways, but bicycle use does not. Noise pollution, for instance, is a real problem for those living near highways, but bicycles produce no noise. Congestion creates stress for motor vehicle users, pedestrians, and cyclists, but bicycling does not significantly add to congestion.Motor vehicles are the primary cause of air pollution in the US, but bicycles produce none. And carbon dioxide from motor vehicles adds to global warming, but bicycles are again innocent !!!

    For some more points, go ty

    All the best

  4. Cycles use no fuel to run & hence are safe in the sight of environment.They are low on maintenances;they use least amount of metal in their production.So these modes of communication are high on conservation.

    But in contrast vehicles use fuel to power themselves & are high on maintenances & are a major cause of pollution to environment.

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