
Cycling a 30 gallon tank for 1 fish?

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I am putting 1 fish in my 30 gallon tank (small fish, 2in long) all my other fish are in small uncylced tanks and seem fine, do i have to cycle this one before there is a fish in it?




  1. i cycled my 50 gallon for 1 dwarf gourami, i cycled it for a week, then left that fish in there alone for another week before i brought a small shoal (5) of black neon tetras, then i left the tank for a month just doing the 20% weekly water changes

    that tank ended up going fine, the smaller tank i had when i first started i didn't cycle and i lost all 10 guppies rather sharpish

  2. Yes, you must always cycle because it will start the growth of  the beneficial bacteria in tank, the tank needs to stabilize by running all appliances for at LEAST 24 hours and You need to make sure the Ammonia and Nitrite levels don't spike while your fish is in the tank. It might die or become stressed out and obtain a disease.

  3. You can cycle it with or without fish, your choice.

  4. Some of the independent pet stores also carry the marine land biospira live bacteria culture.

    This is essentially the one product where you can dump it a setup but uncycled tank and go (for a small number of fish anyway).

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