
Cycling alone or with company?

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Yesterday, I went on a somewhat challenging (over 100km) bike ride, and found it rather hard going in the end - riding by myself.

I've ridden with in group ride situations for distances over 100Km a few times, and seemed to have a higher average speed & found it somewhat easier at the time.

Riding by myself just somehow seem harder, since I don't have other's to compete with or help me to keep a steady pace.

Does anyone else feel the same way?




  1. it depends on the ride.  full centuries, i like to ride with someone for the company...  shorter rides, I kinda like to do solo cuz i can go at my own pace, and just enjoy being outside.

  2. of course when you are with other freinds it's more fun and you don't notice how hard it is and then time just flies by..havnt you heard "time flies when your having fun" lol

  3. For me it's easier on my own- I like to sprint and try and ride at a high tempo every so often and I prefer having the freedom to do that when I want rather than being compelled to cycle at the same pace as the group of riders with me. I also use aerobars which can be very dodgy if you're surrounded by other riders.

  4. Yes I do!

    For that reason I tend to train alone, because it's harder!!!

    When I ride with a group (as I do most weekends) I find rides of the same distance are easier to ride - it's okay, you are normal!!

    Enjoy your riding!


  5. Yes actually I do. But see I ride about 50 miles three times a week. So about 150 miles a week. Im 18, my boyfriend is 20 who works at a local Professional Bike Shop, and Kurt 35 owns the bike shop. Im in better shape than I was before we started doing this but its so much easier when they are there to keep up. And they help teaching me how to switch gears properly and when. Im horrible still at hills lol...but they get me through it better than they day I rode 27 miles on my own boy that sucked.

  6. When you cycle with company it makes your ride more pleasant and gets your mind off of excercise even though you are excersising. And when your by yourself "excersising" seems to be in your mind the whole time.

  7. I usually ride alone, just an occasional race a couple times a year, but these races are non-drafting. When you ride in a group, the lead riders do more work by punching a hole in the wind for the other riders. That's why when you see pro teams riding a paceline or a team time trial, the riders take turns at the front. That's why a group of riders can maintain a faster average speed than a single rider.

    The effect is the same as NASCAR drivers drafting, they can maintain a faster speed while using less fuel.

  8. I agree, but think it depends upon your personality. I used to compete and the time trial was always my worst event -- no direct competition.  As a sprinter, I would let others set the pace in road races or crits and hang in to go for it at the end.

    I'm 60 years old and no longer compete, but still ride 100 to 200 miles a week and do 80% of that with others.  I always ride stronger when there is "competition" to push me.

    One solution for riding alone is to get a heart rate monitor.  They are now fairly cheap, and sold in stores like WalMart.  Forget the bells and whistles; simple heart rate reading is all you need. Get familiar with your target zone and try to ride consistently in that zone.


  9. No i feel the complete opposite, i get places quicker on my own

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