
Cycling to work?

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Anyone else cycle to work and love it ?. I cycle a 8 mile round trip to work every day and love it. It's good exercise cost's nothing . It also doesnt matter what time i leave work i never get stuck in traffic it always takes me 20 mins to get home. I admit it is rubbish when it rains but i just get the bus and have a rest from cycling.




  1. I have to take too much stuff with me everyday to work so couldn't possibly cycle unless I took a trailer with me too!

  2. I cycle to Uni and hate it =( There's quite a bit of up hill and I'm quite unfit and can't do it! So I push the bike up the hills (which I suppose is still exercise!). I can ride on the flat bits easily enough though =D And I can roll downhill just fine!

    It's about 3.5 - 4.5 miles each way (depending on which campus I'm at) and it takes me just over an hour! (I've been getting slower and slower for some reason... it used to take 40-50 minutes!).

    But it's cheaper than getting the bus, and I feel that I am doing my bit for the environment =) I notice the smell of vehicle fumes so much now!

  3. i cycle to school every day until it got wrecked by an chewed the wheels! bad dog

  4. I ride to work around 3 times a week and notice I feel better on those days. Riding a bike is a plus in many ways.

  5. well i walk 10 miles to work and 10 miles back!!!!

  6. I used to cycle to work and i loved it too but now i have moved i live on a mountain, well kinda isn't scotland just full of hills lol?, and well going down to the few little shops we have where i live is great but coming back up the way is h**l so don't get to ride much anymore, but i did love it.

  7. Use to cycle 30 miles a day for 15 years to work, then it relocated and no its only 15 miles a day.

  8. yeah I really enjoy it too... I work 12 miles round trip and too be truthful with traveling with the rush hour it takes about the same lenght of time that drving too work..

    (I do drive when it rains though)!!!

  9. I really enjoy my bike ride into work.  The extra exercise that I receive is a great benefit. Plus it is a lot faster than if I were walking.

  10. I cycle to college three times a week, which is six miles from my apartment.  So that's 36 cycling miles every week.  (Three classes per week, to and from)  I absolutely love it.  I cycle everywhere I can.  It keeps me fit and saves money.  I don't understand why more people don't do it.  But yeah, I always take the car when it rains.  And I have to drive to work as it's about 12 miles from my house.  heh.

  11. Yes!

    I loved it when I was cycling to work also I cycled for 6miles.

    Until I bought a motorcycle.

  12. Yes it is rubbish when it rains.

    I bike everywhere when I can & I take my dog for a walk and run.

    I work from home and so I try and get out on my bike when I can.

    My kids want to bike to school and we are taking steps to prepare a 6 mile bike ride.  There only 9 & 7 and they want to look after the environment.

  13. dude i agree, i started cycling to work when i got a bike 3 weeks ago and its ace. I live 8 miles from work so it takes me about 35 mins and a 16 mile round trip but i love it.

    what i hated most of all about living in a city like London was having to rely on the over crowded  public transport. which cost a fortune for an hour of h**l a day.

    cycling is the way forward, more people should do it!

    they should improve the cycle lanes for us though! :)

  14. I do about 6 miles a day and youre right, it gets you fit. Plus we got rid of our 2nd car and save loads.

    But it is pants when it rains.

  15. I'm 40 miles from work, so that maybe wouldn't be the best idea.........

  16. I used to enjoy it then one day I was hit over the head by a young lad when I was out of breath and going up hill. I realised how vulnerable I was and some of the fun went out of it. Then a few weeks later I found myself between a tractor (HGV) and it trailer after it had overtaken me and was turning left. I'm not into suicide
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