
Cyclists and drivers don't mix!?

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Is anybody else (in this world) sick of drivers hitting cyclists on purpose????

i don't agree with people riding on the road by themselves(good on them for trying)it just leads to accidents!

but when the riders are no more than two abreast in a tight echelon and still people hitting them and then thinking it is funny?

just wondering what everyone else thinks?

one of my closests friends got hit by a car(in the bike lane as well!!!!) on wednesday from what i understand hardly his fault!

he has 12 broken bones, his face will never be the same again and he will never be able to go to europe to go pro! he has lost his sponsorship and the guy in the car didn't even stop to help him......

is it just me or is that just wrong?

and the sydney crashs this week?

im still distraught over this but i would love to hear others opinions on this?

(even negative-maybe im being a bit bias)

thank you




  1. Cyclists are treated as a sub -species on the road.I was a keen  rider at one time .covered about 6,500 mls annually with a club. Got fed up with the near misses and abuse from yob drivers. Once we got abuse from three 17yr olds on speed restricted mopeds so we chased them into town ,asking them if they wanted to discuss the matter further. When faced with seven fit blokes they soon changed their attitude.

  2. In my state, assault with a motor vehicle is a felony, as is failure to stop and render aid.  

    More people are killed  by cars than by hand guns and they are just as dead.

  3. its not always the car drivers fault. many cyclist act as if only they have a right to be on the road.I have seen riders pass cars on the left while they were stopped at a light and continue right on through the red light. cyclists are supposed to obey the same rules of the road as cars do, when they don't accidents happen and it will always be the cyclist that ends up on the losing side of an accident.

  4. wow, I'm really sorry for your of my roommates here in college is a bicyclist as well, and he got into a major accident also last year. Fortunately, all he lost was a few teeth, so he's pretty lucky compared to your friend.

    I never knew that drivers would try to hit cyclists on purpose though. I can't say whether cyclists should deserve a spot on the road, or whether they should be off the road, but there is always that risk for the cyclist if he decides to ride on a road without a bike lane. It feels like an annoyance on my part as a driver to have to avoid cyclists when I pass them, but that's about it. I guess if they have no other place to ride, it can't be helped.

    But it is really unfortunate for your friend. I'm sure those guys thought it would be funny, but may have gotten scared after it happened and that's why they took off without helping. I hope your friend is able to live on with his life. Best of luck to him.

  5. I will let the cyclist go just so that he or she will not be next to me while driving and I dont agree that a cyclists should be on a road in the first place, it is just too dangerous.

    I see all the times where the cyclists rides on the road and doesn't obey the rules of the road and see alot of times where this will cause cars having accidents so they should not be on the road, sorry but that is my opinion..

  6. The roads are now full of silly youngmen speeding up and down without any consideration for life.Not even their own!Because the govts are interested in what they foolishly call industrial development,the industries are interested in making money and none caring for life,human or animal!We pay the govt to make roads not killtraps. Nor for fun!A bike with 40 kmp max. limit is more than GOOD when there are enough  speedy  4wheel trasports on the road.

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