
Cyclone toll in Mynamar, 4,000 innocent Burmese lost their lives, calamity or man-made or administrators?

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  1. many have diedsorry 2  tell u that because of both  man made and calamity

  2. indrajeet d .........................

    The toll is now around 22,000.............. and w/ the Mynamar Gvt. is already corrupt , anymore Q. ??

  3. some of it was just a natural disaster, but it sounds like the government could have made preparations ( and didn't) and could have warned people to evacuate - and didn't.

    So many more people died than was necessary.

  4. I have to very sadly correct you, the death toll estimated now is almost twenty-two thousand lives lost. An Act of God is the insurance name for such a calamity. However, the military in Burma could and should have done much more than they have at the moment. The sheer indifference of the ruling government beggars belief. After the Brits left in 1948 and right up to the Military takeover (1962), the country was so prosperous and forward thinking in so many ways. Burmese people will always have a special place in my heart. Daw Aung San Suu Khi will always remain my hero.

    A question for Steve, is his country corrupt? Which government isn't?

  5. they have lost their lives.

    sorry to tell u

  6. In the latest news the figuers are over 25,000 and are expected to reach over 100,000 unfortunately

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