
Cypriots and greeks?

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ok so are there any differences between cypriot greeks and the greek of greece....? cyprus is half turkish and half greek right? do cypriot greeks speak a different version of greek?...




  1. Greek Cypriots it speaks for itself,they are Greek.

  2. not so different

    same language

  3. Cypriots are Greeks...  the same dna...  but if you dont know north Cyprus has invited by some Turkish...

  4. to most greek cypriots  they would not agree with being half turkish and greek turkey invaded cyprus in 1974.but,,lets answer this question.... CYPRIOTS speak the oldest form of greek   more akine to ancient greek a lot of thier words are ancient greek based with a slight twinge to them ..they are a bit difficutl to understand at first but once you hear them often enough you can make out what they talking about...and off course just like in greece cyprus has it own areas of dialects.but on the overall they can be understood. and just for your info..THE NAME  CYPRIOT comes from the ancient greeks of the name of copper was once mined there for a very long time..the mines are still visible...

  5. Geia sou Katerina!!

    I think that the Cypriots are Greek... The only diference is the accent! I have a cypriot in my family and I don't see nothing in diference just the accent... the culture is the same and also they feel just like greek.. anyway.... for me they are Greek.

  6. Greek Cypriots speak the same Greek, but they have a different accent, as is the case in Greece as well (in different areas the accent is different). Thesame happens in many places, like Yorkshiree English sounds different than London English etc.

    There are also idioms, all Greek, but there are many local dialects-since the ancient years, and there is also a Cypriot dialect, but nowadays dialects are not used much.

  7. no... Cypriots speak Greek and most of them (if not all) love Greece and feel Greek... Although, they have a different accent ( I would describe it as quicker )... and some words that Greeks in Greece don't use.. (e.g. pezevegis)

  8. I really have to answer this guy Ralph. Sorry I'm doing it here, but I noticed that he keeps writing some pretty offensive answers to all the questions. For God's sake, if you hate it in Greece so much, why don't you move back to America? It's alright to point out some bad sides of the country and its people (and of course they do exist), but it's like you keep trying to show it in the worst possible light.

    P.S. So sorry I didn't stay on topic... LOL :) Greek Cypriots are Greek and Turkish Cypriots are Turkish, and they are all Cypriots. As simple as that.

  9. Hi

    Whilst I'm not Cypriot, I am a linguist and have been living here for 4 years. To answer your question on language,

    CYPRIOT Greek is very different from mainland Greek.

    The Cypriot dialect has many different words which makes it VERY difficult to learn the language to speak "everyday" Greek with the locals. That said, if you ask people to speak slowly you can usually understand once you know a fair amount of Greek! Unless you are in a mountain village where the dialect there seems unlike any other near the coast!

    We have some friends who are from mainland Greece and they could not understand more than 20% of the langauge when they first came to Cyprus. All Cypriots are taught "Greece" Greek in school so there are two forms of the language - Greek and what is known as "Kypriaki".

    Makes for a challenging time learning the langauge!

    There are some good hints on Cypriot dialect and how to learn Greek Cypriot style on the site below

  10. I think that a cypriot can answer better than all of us

    As I have noticed there are 3 categories(maybe I am wrong)

    1.say that they are Cypriots above all,but Greek in language and customs

    2.say (it was so touching this,when i first heard) that they are Cypriots in passport and Greeks into their heart

    3The turkish cypriots say they are Cypriots,Turkish speaking though

    I have to say that i have met all of these "versions"

    First of all dont forget that Cyprus is not half-Greek half Turkish.

    Cyprus is Cypriotic ,inhabited by Greek-sepaking Cypriots and Turksih Cypriots...But some of them feel Greeks some other Turks...

    The differences are that (I am talking about the GCypriots)

    -they speak a more archaic dialect of Greek

    -even if they seem to have a GDP per capita almost like Greeks ,i have notice that they have higher standard of living than Greeks

    -almost all,can speak English
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