
Czech Republic?

by Guest59970  |  earlier

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My skool is doing this culture heritage thing and we each have to dress a country or whatever. i got czech republic. is there a website that i can go to get an idea. the only clothing i can find online is modern stuff that looks like what americans where. is there a site that shows how they used to dress? (i already tried google, yahoo images).




  1. Go to:

    they have pictures.

  2. There are pictures here that may be useful:

  3. It depends on how far back you want to go. What year or decade are you looking for? Look at their history. If you're looking for clothing from when they were still under Communist rule, I'd suggest looking at how the Russians dressed during the Communist days. It'll be similar. Medieaval times and Romantic Eras, everyone tended to dress the same.

    Just pay attention to the history and see what cultures their daily lives were influenced most by during that time and look at what was popular in the region for those influencers. What people don't realize about Central Europe (most people from the Czech Republic will correct you if you say "Eastern Europe." They are not Eastern), is that much of the time, they are influenced by the countries around them just as every other country is. They are not a third-world country, therefore they are exposed to the same pop-culture icons in fashion as the rest of us.
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