
D&C or just wait it out ???

by  |  earlier

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I do not like the sound of D&C but would resort to it if I have to. I am in the process of miscarrying. I'm not sure if I am not or not. I started spotting about 5 days ago. It gradually turned into a light period-like bleeding. Then it stopped and was only when I wipe. I started cramping yesterday and passed 3 small clots. Now I'm bleeding on and off and my stomach hurts like I'm hungry when I'm not. I have minor cramps every now and then. I also have diarrhea, sorry if tmi.

Am I miscarrying now or not yet? I have a doctors appt on Thursday to check everything. Should I wait or go for the D&C. What do you think?





  1. Your doctor actually needs to get you in ASAP to check your hormone levels and do an ultrasound to varify if it is a miscarriage.

    If your bleeding then you wont need a D&C. You'll only need a D&C if the baby dies and your body does not recognize this (meaning you are not bleeding, your carryign on as if you have a viable pregnancy).

  2. Its all up to what you're comfortable with.  If the baby stopped growing at 7 weeks and you've already been spotting for 5 days I'm sure you will have a natural miscarriage soon; however, I would personally go in for the D&C.  I wouldn't be able to handle all the emotions of carrying around my baby knowing that it was no longer alive.  Also during a D&C they can test to see if there is any specific reason for having a miscarriage.  

  3. Wait, some bleeding in the first trimester can be perfectly normal. You could still have a healthy baby. Your Dr needs to do blood work to see how much pregnancy hormone is in your blood and if it is going up. Dont lose hope yet. Everything could still be fine.  

  4. the start of bleeding is the start of the miscarriage. What you just described does not sound normal and i think you do need a d&c. It is better to find out now and do it than to wait it out. If you wait it out and you do need one you could have serious complications.

    Have you been to a doctor yet? Bleeding does not always = miscarriage.

  5. first of all i am really sorry for your loss  and you should get to a hospital quick for your own health and safety

  6. u need 2 get 2 the hospital A.S.A.P this is not something u shud mess around with, i have had 2 miscarriages both d&c's how far along r u? no matter get 2 the hospital especially if ur passin clots, if ur sure ur pregnant and ur bleeding ur most likely having a miscarriage either way u need 2 get 2 the hospital 2 make sure u and ur baby is alright. i just had a miscarriage on the 8th of this month so i know GET 2 THE HOSPITAL  all those symptoms that u r describing r not good

  7. D&C. Unless you have an EXTREMELY high tolerance for pain. I miscarried at 8 weeks and it hurt more than anything I could explain. I'm sorry about your child, but this is natures way of deleting humans with genetic abnormalities, defects, and other serious problems. Your next pregnancy is over 80% in favor of a healthy child.

  8. call nurse on call if in doubt or

    i would wait it out then the doctor will tell onThursdayy if anything at your appt....

    I'm sorry its very emotional

  9. you could just be having a period. if this is your first then that is common. i had three periods with my first. but if you are miscarring then your body seems to be doing the work itself. good luck and sorry if you are.

  10. if you think you are miscarrying you really should be at the dr tommorrow or really at the ER now... depending on how many weeks pregnant you are, spotting maybe normal but the other symptoms sound not too good, a D&C might not be needed if you are only a few weeks preg. your body will just reabsorb the tissue... but if i were you i would be calling the dr asap

  11. Sorry to hear your loss...

    I suggest you got go thru D&C.. the cleaning will help you for next pregnancy.. even smallest thing left behind from previous pregnancy can cause miscarriage in future pregnancy.. this is for your safety...

    wait till your next appointment or call ur Doc office after explaining you situation, request them to notify you if they hv any cancellations.. and ask your Doc whether you need D&C.. if he/she yes.. then go for it...

    No use going to ER..  

  12. You need to go ahead and call the doctor. it is not wise to wait.

  13. I am very sorry to hear about this. Do your OB's offer a hot-line? I know mine have a line you can call 24hrs a day and speak to a nurse or doctor. If you have this option I would use it. If not, wait till the morning and call first thing. Tell them what is happening and hopefully they can see you tomorrow. If they feel that it is not an emergency they will tell you to just wait till your appointment on Thursday. But as long as the bleeding does not get severe, meaning bleeding through a pad in less than an hour you can probably wait till the a.m. As far as the D&C you may want to consider this. Why put yourself through more of this pain. As long as they are certain you have miscarried and have not passed the fetus it is a better option. Going through this is awful and I think you have been through enough. I wish you a lot of luck in the future.

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